Using Factoring to Control Currency Display
You can use the factoring feature in PSI to make very large currency amounts easier to read. Factoring enables you to control the multiples factor used to display the amounts. Factoring can be used for all PSI columns identified as currency amounts in the Project Status Column Setup window.
To change the factor in a PSI window:
1. Navigate to the PSI Project, Task, or Resources window.
2. From the Special menu, choose Factor By.
3. From the Factor By list of values, select a factor. For example :
- Units. Displays amounts as calculated.
- Tens. Displays amounts as multiples of ten (10 = 1.00).
- Ten Thousands. Displays amounts as multiples of ten thousand (10,000 = 1.00).
- Millions. Displays amounts as multiples of one million (1,000,000 = 1.00).
This factor applies to all status folders during your current session, and is active until you exit Project Status Inquiry. The factor is not saved in the PSI folders.
To change the factor of a PSI column defined by the PSI client extension:
- A function named PA_STATUS.Get_Factor can be called by the PSI client extension to enable factoring for amounts calculated by the PSI client extension. See: PSI Extension.