Absence Recording
When you record an absence for an employee using the Absence Detail window, you must always select an absence type. This ensures that you always have on record, information about the nature of and reasons for the absence.
In the Absence Detail window you can conveniently record for an employee either a projected or an actual start and end dates and times of a particular type of absence, as well as the date you receive notification of the absence. When an actual absence occurs in accordance with projected absence information already entered, you record this by simply clicking a button.
The system records an employee's absences using the same calendar upon which the employee's payroll is based. This means that all employees for whom you record absence information must have a payroll component in their assignments.
See: Components of the Assignment
When recording a projected or actual absence in the Absence Detail window, you can select both the name of an employee authorizing the absence, and of an employee replacing the absent worker.
See Also
Absence Management Setup Steps
Entering Absences