Entering Absences
To enter projected or actual absences for an employee, use the Absence Detail window.
Because the calendar holding absence records for an employee is the same as that of the employee's payroll, the assignments of employees for whom you enter absence information must include an assignment to a payroll. The effective date of this assignment must be no later than the start of the current payroll period.
Similarly, the definition and linking of the element associated with the absence type must have occurred on or before the start of the current payroll period.
To enter absences for an employee:
1. Select the absence type. The following information appears:
- The category of the type.
- The occurrence of the new absence record you are entering. For example, if the employee has already incurred two absences of this type, the occurrence of the new record is 3.
- The running total of hours or days absent for the absence type. For absence types with increasing balances, this is the number of days or hours absent already recorded (in the past or future). For any types with decreasing balances, this is or the number of hours or days remaining to be taken.
- The number of days absence recorded for the absence type in the current calendar year.
- The name of the element that maintains each employee's time taken or time remaining for this absence type.
2. Do one of the following:
- Enter projected dates for the absence. You can later copy them to the Actual Date fields by choosing the Confirm Projected Dates button.
- Enter actual dates and duration as days or hours, according to the units of the balance. For a duration in hours, you must enter start and end times, as well as start and end dates.
- the employee authorizing the absence
- the employee who replaces the absent employee for the duration of the absence
See Also
Viewing and Reporting on Absence Information