Defining an Absence Type
Use the Absence Attendance Type window to define an absence type for association with the nonrecurring element representing an absence.
Define and link the element for the absence type.
You can select the same reason for different absence types.
To define an absence type:
1. Enter a name and category for the absence type.
Suggestion: Give the absence type and its associated element the same name, or coordinate the type name with its element name. For example, name the absence type for a PTO accrual plan Salaried Sick PTO Plan, and its associated element, Salaried Sick PTO Absence.
2. In the Associated Element region, select the element defined for this absence type. The name of the element's input value that holds the time taken or time remaining for this absence type appears in the Input Value field, and the unit of measure for the input value appears in the Units region.
3. In the Balance region, select Increasing for each entry to the absence element's input value to add to a running total of time taken to date for this absence type. Select increasing balances for absence types for PTO accrual plans, and for most other absence types.
For absence types that have a set maximum amount of hours or days allowed, you may select Decreasing. In this case, each absence recorded reduces an initial balance entered for the absence type, to show time remaining to be taken for the type.
Decreasing balances require more maintenance. You must enter an initial balance amount for each new hire eligible for the absence type, and must initialize the balance for all eligible employees at the start of each year.
4. Optionally, select reasons that are valid for entries of this type of absence.
5. Save the absence type.
See Also
Absence Management Setup Steps
Entering Absences