Defining Competence Requirements - Core or Generic Competencies
Use the Competence Requirements window to define your competence requirements with core or generic competencies.
To define competence requirements (with core or generic competencies)
1. Select the business group for which you want to create competence requirements.
2. Select the Find button. Oracle Human Resources retrieves competencies if you have previously defined them as required for the business group, otherwise it retrieves nothing.
3. Press Clear Record after you have looked at the existing competencies.
4. You can now do the following:
Create Competence Requirements for the Business Group
1. Select the first competence.
2. Select the highest and lowest proficiency levels at which the competence is acceptable, if required.
If you are going to copy these requirements to an organization, job or position, you can choose not to copy these proficiency levels over.
3. Check the Essential check box if the competence is essential for this business group, otherwise, leave the box unchecked.
Note: Only enter a grade if you are creating competence requirements for a job or position.
4. Enter the dates between which the competence is valid for this business group. You must enter a From date but you can leave the To date blank.
5. Continue to enter competencies for the business group, then save your changes.
Copy Existing Core Competencies to an Organization, Job or Position
1. Clear the details from the Business group before you copy the competencies.
2. Select the organization, job or position to which you want to copy the core competencies and press the Find button.
3. Select the Copy Competencies button. A Copy Competencies window appears.
4. Leave the Core Competencies box checked.
5. If you want to copy the proficiency levels, leave the Copy Levels box checked, and enter the dates between which the competence is valid (you must enter a From date but you can leave the To date blank). If you do not want to copy the proficiency levels, uncheck the box.
6. Select the Copy button, and Oracle Human Resources copies the competencies to the organization, job or position.
7. You can make changes to the competencies copied over, if needed, such as:
- deleting any of the core competencies that are not required by the organization, job or position
- changing the proficiency levels
- checking or unchecking the Required check box
- entering a grade (for a job or position only)
- changing the dates between which the competence is valid