Listing Employees by Position
There are two windows for viewing lists of employees by position:
- List Employees by Position
- List Employees by Position Hierarchy
List Employees by Position Window
To view employees in a single position, or in all positions corresponding to a job or organization, use the List Employees by Position window.
To view employee names by position:
1. Select any combination of an organization, job, or position.
2. Choose the Find button.
The folder displays the positions that match your selection criteria, together with the holder's name and employee number.
If there is more than one holder for a position, the number of holders is displayed in the Holder Name field. You can view the names of these holders by choosing the List icon from the Toolbar.
Note: You can enter a query in the folder to reduce further the list of positions displayed. You can remove, rearrange, add, or resize fields in the folder if you have access to the Folder menu.
List Employees by Position Hierarchy Window
To view lists of employees in a number of positions within a hierarchy, use the List Employees by Position Hierarchy window.
To view lists of positions within a position hierarchy:
1. Select a position hierarchy and the highest position in the hierarchy for which you want to list employees.
2. Choose the Find button.
The folder displays all positions below the one you selected in the hierarchy. It also lists the employees who hold these positions.
If there is more than one holder for a position, the number of holders appears in the Holder Name field. You can view the names of these holders by choosing the List icon from the Toolbar.
Note: You can enter a query in the folder to reduce further the list of positions displayed. You can remove, rearrange, add, or resize fields in the folder if you have access to the Folder menu.
See Also
Customizing the Presentation of Data in a Folder