Assignment Status Report
Use this report to see a list of people assigned to particular organizations, jobs, positions and grades, with specific assignment statuses. If you select both applicants and employees as person types, the report prints out in two sections. Otherwise it prints for the type you select.
Run reports from the Submit Requests window.
To run the Assignment Status Report:
1. In the Name field, select Assignment Status Report.
2. Enter the Parameters field to open the Parameters window.
3. Enter the effective date for which you want to see the report.
4. Leave the Organization Structure field blank to see information about all organizations. Select an organization hierarchy name to see assignment statuses in a number of subordinate organizations.
5. If there are multiple versions, select a version.
If the effective date lies between the version's start and end dates, the report is effective as of this date. If it lies outside these dates, the report is effective as of the start date of the version you select.
6. Leave the Parent Organization field blank to see information about all organizations. Select a name in this field to see information on all subordinate organizations in the hierarchy.
Note: You must enter a value in this field if you have entered a value in the Organization Structure field, and you must leave this field blank if you left that field blank.
7. Make entries in the Group, Job, Position, Grade and Payroll fields as required.
If you leave all segments of the Group flexfield blank, you see information about employees in any groups. If you leave one segment blank you see employees with any value for that segment.
8. Enter Yes in the Primary field if you want to report on primary assignments only. Leave blank to include all assignments.
9. Select Employee, Applicant or Both in the Person Type field. This determines which sections of the report are printed.
10. Select up to four assignment statuses, or leave blank to list employees and/or applicants with any assignment status.
11. Choose the Submit button.