Employee Movements Report
There are two versions of the Employee Movements Report:
- Employee Organization Movements Report shows employee movements into and out of a particular organization or hierarchy.
- Employee Payroll Movements Report shows employee assignment changes to and from a particular payroll.
Both versions list the following movements: New Hires, Terminations, Transfers In, and Transfers Out. You can use this information to monitor employee assignment changes for turnover analysis.
Run reports from the Submit Requests window.
To run the Employee Organization Movements Report:
1. In the Name field, select Employee Organization Movements Report.
2. Enter the Parameters field to open the Parameters window.
3. Do one of the following:
- If you want to see information for a whole organization hierarchy, select the Organization Hierarchy name and version number, and leave Parent Organization blank.
- If you want to see information for one organization, select the organization name in the Parent Organization field, and leave Organization Hierarchy name and version number blank.
- If you want to see information for an organization and its subordinates in a particular hierarchy, select the name of the organization and the name and version of the organization hierarchy to which it belongs.
4. Select the period for which you want to see the information.
5. In the Employee Detail field, do one of the following:
- Select Summary Only to see total numbers for each category of change.
- Select Order by Assignment Number or Order by Employee Name to see a full listing of employee assignments for New Hires, Terminations, Transfers In, and Transfers Out. This information will be listed in the order you select.
6. Choose the Submit button.
To run the Employee Payroll Movements Report:
1. In the Name field, select Employee Payroll Movements Report.
2. Enter the Parameters field to open the Parameters window.
3. Select the payroll and payroll period for which you want to see the information.
4. In the Employee Detail field, do one of the following:
- Select Summary Only to see total numbers for each category of change.
- Select Order by Assignment Number or Order by Employee Name to see a full listing of employee assignments for New Hires, Terminations, Transfers In, and Transfers Out. This information will be listed in the order you select.
5. Choose the Submit button.