Assignment History
Use the Assignment History window to view the history of all an employee's assignments, both current and in previous periods of service.
To view an employee's assignment history:
1. In the Current field, select Yes, No or All.
Yes selects the list of current employees. No selects the list of ex-employees. All selects the list of both current and ex-employees.
2. In the Name or Number field, select an employee or ex-employee and choose the Find button.
The Service History region displays the employee's final period of service. It shows three periods of time:
- This Period shows the number of complete years and months worked in this period of service to date.
- All Periods shows the number of complete years and months worked in all periods of service to date.
- Including Breaks shows the total elapsed time (in complete years and months) from the employee's initial hire date to date.
You can view previous periods of service by choosing Next Record from the Go menu.