Employee Reviews
You can use the Employee Review window to record information about any employee interview, such as a performance review, disciplinary hearing, or medical test.
To prepare for a performance review, you can view the employee's:
- career history, using the Assignment History window
- personal competence profile, using the Personal Competence Profile window if you are using Career Management, or the Special Information window, if you are recording skills information using Special Information Types
See: Entering a Personal Competence Profile,
- likely career paths or succession plans
Line managers can use the web Direct Access interface to Career Management to complete assessment and appraisal templates for their employees.
Entering an Employee Review
You can record details of a review event using the Employee Review window.
Define the different types of employee interview you want to record, such as disciplinary hearings and performance reviews, as values for the QuickCode Type EMP_INTERVIEW_TYPE.
To enter a review for an employee:
1. Select an interview type, and enter a start date. The other fields are optional.
3. You can select reviewers by name or employee number. Save your work.
4. If you want to enter a performance rating for the employee associated with this review, navigate to the Salary Administration window.
See Also
Entering Performance Ratings