Entering Work Choices for a Job or Position
You can enter work choices that can affect an employee's, applicant's, contractor's, or ex-employee's capacity to be deployed within your enterprise (or a customer's). Work Choices include willingness to travel, willingness to relocate, and preferred working hours and work schedule. You can enter work choices for a job or position, and compare these with the personal work choices entered for people.
You enter this information in the Work Choices window, accessed from the Job or Position window.
You need to enter enter the following QuickCodes for work factors:
Define time scales as values for the QuickCode Type PER_TIME_SCALES.
Define work schedules as values for the QuickCode Type PER_WORK_SCHEDULE.
Define working hours as values for the QuickCode Type PER_WORK_HOURS.
Define the full time equivalents as values for the QuickCode Type PER_FTE_CAPACITY.
Define relocation preferences as values for the QuickCode Type PER_RELOCATION_PREFERENCES.
Define lengths of service as values for the QuickCode Type PER_LENGTHS_OF_SERVICE.
To enter work choices for a job or position:
1. Check the relevant work requirements boxes if the job or position requires the holder to:
2. Enter the length of time the jobholder must perform the job or position, for example, indefinite or two years.
3. Enter the normal working hours (for example, 9.00 to 5.30), the work schedule (the working days in the week or pattern of shifts), the proportion of full time hours required, and the minimum length of service required.
4. Check the relevant international deployment boxes if the job or position requires the jobholder to:
5. Select the countries to which the jobholder might be relocated.
6. Select the locations to which the jobholder might be relocated.
7. Enter any further job or position requirements, if required.
See Also
Entering Work Choices (Person)