Entering Work Choices
You can enter a person's work choices, such as their willingness to travel or relocate, their preferred working hours and work schedule, and the length of time they would like to stay in their next post. You can then compare these choices with the work requirements of jobs or positions when you are planning redeployment.
You enter personal deployment choices in the Work Choices window, accessed from the People window.
To enter work choices for a person:
1. Check the relevant work capabilities boxes if the person is:
- willing to work in all locations
- prepared to work in their current location only
- willing to visit internationally
2. Select the length of time the person wants to stay in a role, for example, indefinite or two years.
3. Select the person's preferred working hours (for example, 9.00 to 5.30), work schedule (the working days in the week or pattern of shifts), the proportion of full time hours available and any relocation preferences (for example, with family).
4. Check the relevant international deployment boxes if the person is willing to:
5. Select the countries in which the person prefers to work, and any countries in which they are not prepared to work.
See Also
Entering Schools and Colleges Attended.
Creating a Competence Profile
Entering Qualifications.