Entering Business Group Information
The Business Group Information window is an example of a flexfield structure. The first window you see displays the information in a condensed format. Click the field to open the full window, which labels each segment of the flexfield.
To enter Business Group information:
1. In the Organization window, query the Business Group if it does not already appear there. In the Organization Classifications region, select Business Group, choose the Others button, and select Business Group Information.
2. Click in a field of the Additional Organization Information window to open the Business Group Information window.
3. You can enter a short name for the Business Group. Release 10 does not use this name. It is provided for compatibility with earlier releases, where it appeared in the header line of each form.
4. Select the method of creating identifying numbers for employees and applicants. The choices are:
- automatic number generation
- automatic use of the national identifier (for example, the social security number in the US, and the NI number in the UK). This option is available for employees only.
Attention: Once you save your method, you cannot later change to either of the automatic options. You can only change to manual entry.
5. Select the names of the key flexfield structures you want to use in this Business Group.
6. Select the appropriate Legislation Code and default currency.
Attention: Selecting the correct legislation code is essential for the correct functioning of Oracle HRMS. You cannot change the legislation code after entering employees against the Business Group.
7. You can enter a Minimum and Maximum Working Age for the Business Group. When you enter or hire employees, you receive a warning if the person's age is outside this range.
Note: The Fiscal Year Start field is not used in Oracle Human Resources.