Business Groups: Entering Budget Value Defaults
You can set up budgets for non-monetary measures such as headcount or full-time equivalent. When you enter employee assignments to define the work an employee does for your enterprise, you can specify the value of the assignment towards these budgets. For example, all assignments typically count as one for headcount budgets, but may count as less than one for full-time equivalent budgets.
To remove the requirement to enter these values for every assignment, you can enter defaults for the whole Business Group. You can override the defaults for individual assignments.
To define budget value defaults:
1. In the Organization window, query the Business Group if it does not already appear there. In the Organization Classifications region, select Business Group, choose the Others button, and select Budget Value Defaults.
2. Click in a field of the Additional Organization Information window to open the Budget Value Defaults window.
3. In the Units field, select a measurement type, such as Full Time Equivalent or Headcount.
4. Enter a default value in the Value field.
You can enter a default value for as many budgetary units as you plan to use for the Business Group.
See Also
Human Resource Budgets