When you enter a new person as an employee, he or she is automatically hired as of your effective date.
To hire an applicant:
1. Update the applicant assignment status to Accepted in the Application window.
2. Set your effective date to the applicant's hire date and query the applicant in the People window.
3. In the Type field, select Employee. The Hire Date field displays your effective date.
Note: You cannot update the applicant assignment status to Accepted and change the Person Type to Employee on the same date, since these are both datetracked changes.
1. Set your effective date to the new hire date and query the ex-employee in the People window.
2. In the Type field, select Employee. The Hire Date field displays your effective date.
To cancel a hire:
- Query the employee in the People window and clear the Hire Date field. Then save.
The system warns you that any changes made to the person's records after their hire date will be lost. You can choose whether to continue or cancel.
You cannot cancel a hire if:
- Oracle Payroll has processed the employee in a payroll run.
- The person's type has changed since the hire date.
- New assignments have been created for the person after the hire date.
- The person was initially entered on the system as an employee and therefore has no previous history as an applicant or contact. In this case you must delete the person's records from the system using the Delete Person window.