Entering Addresses
You can enter as many addresses as necessary for each person, using the Address window.
To enter an address for a person:
1. Select a national address style and click in the Address field.
2. Enter your address information in this window. You can enter up to three telephone numbers to associate with the address. Choose the OK button.
This returns you to the Address window.
Note: Telephone numbers you enter here are held separately from the numbers you enter in the Phone Numbers window. You have to enter and maintain them separately.
3. Select an address type, such as home, or weekend, or business. You can only have one address of each type at any time.
4. You can check Primary for the address you are creating, to identify the person's main address. By default, the first address you enter is the Primary address.
Only one address at any time can be a person's Primary address.
Additional Information: Default address styles are predefined for many countries. You can change these defaults and you can create address styles for other countries.
See: Changing Address Styles
To change the primary address:
- End the existing primary address, and create the new primary address starting the next day.