Ending Applications
If you have rejected an applicant assignment, you can update its status to Terminate Application. However, an applicant must be left with one active assignment. To reject an applicant's last assignment, you must terminate the applicant. This updates their person type to Ex-applicant.
You terminate an applicant in the Terminate Applicant window.
If you want to hold reasons for rejecting applicants, enter the valid reasons as values for the QuickCode Type TERM_APL_REASON.
To terminate an applicant:
1. Enter the termination date.
This is not required, but you might use it to trigger generation of a rejection letter.
Note: This status is not recorded on the applicant assignment, so it is not displayed if you requery the termination.
3. If you want to record the reasons for rejecting applicants, select a reason.
4. Choose the Terminate button.
If you have terminated an applicant in error, you can cancel the termination in the Terminate Applicant window. Simply choose the Reverse Termination button.
Note: You cannot cancel a termination if there are any future changes to the applicant's personal record.