Requisition Summary Report
Use this report to see lists of applicants and their interview schedules for:
- all vacancies in a requisition, or
- all vacancies associated with a recruitment activity, or
- vacancies in a particular organization, location, job, position, grade, and/or group, and vacancies of a selected status
You can further restrict the applicants listed in the report by specifying start and end dates for the applicant assignments, and by selecting an applicant assignment status.
Each page of the report lists the applicants for one vacancy. This is defined as a unique combination of assignment components (organization, location, job, position, grade, and group). The vacancy has a name if you have set up vacancies on the system using the Requisition and Vacancy window, but this is not essential for running the report.
You run reports from the Submit Requests window.
To run the Requisition Summary Report:
1. In the Name field, select Requisition Summary Report.
2. Enter the Parameters field to open the Parameters window.
3. Enter the effective date for which you want to see the report.
4. Optionally enter start and end dates to restrict the applicant assignments shown in the report.
5. To further restrict the scope of the report, you can select values in any of the other fields defining the vacancies to report on. Notice that you can select values for individual segments of the People Group key flexfield.
6. Choose the Submit button.