Running QuickPaint Reports
You run QuickPaint reports from the Run QuickPaint Report window. You can run a report for one assignment or for a group of assignments.
To run a QuickPaint report for a group of assignments, you must first define an assignment set.
To run a report for one assignment:
1. Select the type Assignment.
2. In the Assignment region, select the assignment for which you want to run the report.
3. In the Report field, select the report you want to run.
4. Choose the Run Report button.
The message line tells you when the report is complete.
5. Choose the View Report button to see the report results.
When you run a QuickPaint report, the system runs the formula associated with the report. The first time you run a report, the system may take several seconds to identify all of the related data and bring it back to the screen. All subsequent inquiries for other employees or applicants will run very quickly.
To run a report for an assignment set:
1. Select the type Assignment Set.
2. In the Assignment Set region, select the assignment set for which you want to run the report.
3. In the Report field, select the report you want to run.
4. Choose the Run Report button.
The message line tells you when the report is complete.
5. Choose the View Report button to see the report results.
Using the standard QuickPaint Report window, you can run the report for an assignment or an assignment set. The assignments can be held by current employees or applicants.
Your system administrator can create customized versions of this window to restrict the reports you can run and the people you can report on. A customized version might be subject to one or more of the following restrictions:
- report on one person type only (employees OR applicants)
- report on single assignments only, or report on assignment sets only
If the window is subject to the third type of restriction, it will look different to the standard version since it will contain either the assignment region or the assignment set region, but not both.
See Also
Creating an Assignment Set
Restricting the Data Displayed in a Window