Using the Salary Management Folder
Using the Salary Management Folder, you can select sets of assignments for which you want to enter or approve salary proposals. For each assignment, the folder can display the current approved salary and proposed new salary, including up to ten salary components.
Using Application Data Export (ADE), you can download this information from the folder to a spreadsheet. Here you can manipulate the data to create new salary proposals or to modify existing proposals. You can then upload your revised salary information to the database. If your responsibility permits, you can approve all or selected proposals in the folder.
Manipulating Salary Information in a Spreadsheet
You can use a spreadsheet application to enter or update salary proposals for groups of employees. The changes you make in the spreadsheet are checked when you upload them to the database. To minimize errors, follow these rules:
- Do not enter components for a first salary (for example, for a new hire). Enter a proposed amount and change date only.
- Enter changes for the full salary or for components but not for both.
- If you enter components, make sure you enter a value (Y or N) in the Approved field for each component.
- Do not alter a Change Date that was downloaded from the database.
- Do not enter information in the grey fields (except for Change Date).
- Note that the Change Amount is given precedence over the Change Percentage. If you enter inconsistent values, the upload process records the new change amount and adjusts the percentage to match. If you want to record a percentage change, clear the amount field.
- If you want to delete a component, clear both the change amount and percentage fields for that component.
To manipulate salary proposals in a spreadsheet:
1. In the Salary Management folder, query the assignments you want to process.
2. Click on the ADE icon on the Oracle HRMS tool bar.
3. In the ADE Fetch Data window, select the style Salary Proposals and select the action Spreadsheet. Choose Start.
This launches your spreadsheet application and iconizes ADE.
4. Edit the data in the spreadsheet, following the rules outlined above. Save the spreadsheet with a new name (to prevent it being overwritten the next time ADE is run).
5. Exit your spreadsheet application.
6. In ADE, choose the Upload button.
Note: If the Upload button is not available, ask your system administrator to create the function HR_HRIO_ENABLE_UPLOAD and add it to your menu.
7. Choose Load and select the spreadsheet that you saved.
You can review your changes in the built-in ADE spreadsheet. The Status column shows which rows have been updated.
The updated information is uploaded to the database. The Status column records any errors encountered during the upload.
9. To view your new proposals in the Salary Management folder, requery the data.
Approving Multiple Salary Proposals
If the Approve button is displayed in the Salary Management folder, you can select multiple assignments in the folder and approve them.
Note: If the Approve button is not displayed, you cannot approve salaries. This is controlled by a menu function set up by your system administrator.
When you approve a salary, Oracle HRMS creates or updates a salary element entry for the assignment. You can view this entry in the Element Entries window, but you cannot change it there.
To approve multiple salary proposals:
1. In the Salary Management folder, query the assignments you want to process.
2. Select the assignments you want to approve and choose the Approve button. To select multiple assignments, hold down the CTRL key and click on the assignment records you want to select.
See Also
Oracle ADE Help
Customizing the Presentation of Data in a Folder