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Management of Internal Requisitions

Update Intransit Information

For inter-organization transfers that use intransit, you can use the Maintain Shipments window to update the expected arrival date. Master Scheduling/MRP and inventory planning get complete visibility to the change in expected arrival date. See: Maintaining Shipments.

Receive, Inspect and Deliver Items

Use the Receipts and Receiving Transactions windows to process receipts of inter-organization requests that use intransit. Receiving personnel can simply enter the requisition number on the shipping documentation and process the entire shipment using express receiving transactions. For receipt of partial shipments, you can record the quantities for the individual items included in the shipment. You can receive items into receiving, or you can receive the goods directly to the final destination, either an inventory or expense location.

If you receive items into receiving/inspection, you process inspections, transfers, and deliveries for internal requisitions just as you would process supplier receipts or inventory transfers. See: Overview of Receiving.

View Internal Requisition Status

In Purchasing, you can view the internal sales order and any changes to it, by selecting View Sales Orders on the Special menu in the Requisition Headers and Requisition Lines summary windows. Or, you can access the View Order windows directly in Order Entry / Shipping and query on the specific internal sales order number, or any other relevant criteria. The View Orders window provides information about the cycle status of the internal sales order, quantities shipped, quantities cancelled, quantities backordered, and dates of transactions.

You can also report on requisition status. See: Backordered Internal Requisitions Report, Internal Requisitions Status Report, Internal Requisitions/Deliveries Discrepancy Report, and Requisitions on Cancelled Sales Order Report.

Cancelling Internal Requisitions

If you cancel an internal sales order or backorder that was generated by an internal requisition, you get a warning message that the order line is related to a requisition line that is now awaiting cancellation. You can then use the Control Document window to cancel the requisition line. See: Controlling Documents.

Purchasing lets you cancel or final close an inventory sourced requisition line only after you cancel the internal sales order in Order Entry / Shipping. See: Cancelling Orders

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