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Cancel - If you use on-line requisitions, and you cancel a purchase order you did not receive or pay at all, Purchasing cancels the requisition lines associated with the purchase order if the Cancel Requisitions check box is selected. If the Cancel Requisitions check box is not selected, the requisition lines are not cancelled and are returned to the pool of available requisitions. You can then assign these requisition lines to new purchase orders to fulfill your requestors' needs. See: Defining Control Options.
If you use on-line requisitions, and you cancel a partially received purchase order line, Purchasing recreates requisition lines for the remainder of the maximum of the billed or received quantity you have not received. You can assign these requisition lines to a new purchase order line to fulfill the requestor's needs. See: Autocreate Document Options.
If you are using encumbrance or budgetary control, Purchasing automatically creates negative debit entries in your general ledger system to cancel the encumbrance that corresponds to the purchase order header, lines, or shipments you are cancelling, using the action date you specify in Action Date. Purchasing recreates requisition encumbrances for the requisition lines you used to create the purchase order if the Cancel Requisitions check box is not selected. Purchasing uses the distributions from your cancelled purchase order to recreate the encumbrance for your requisition. See: Budgetary Control and Online Funds Checking.
After you partially or completely cancel a purchase order, you need to inform your supplier of the cancellation. You can reprint purchase orders or releases you partially or completely cancelled. Purchasing automatically prints a cancellation message on the purchase order, purchase order line, purchase order shipment, or release you cancelled.
You can source a requisition line from a line in the Prior Purchases region of the Supplier Item Catalog window. (A line in the Prior Purchases region corresponds to a purchase order line.) However, Purchasing does not automatically update the corresponding sourcing information if you cancel a blanket agreement or agreement line with which you source requisition lines. If you cancel a blanket agreement or agreement line, be sure to update the corresponding information in the Requisition Templates or the Sourcing Rules window. See: Defining Requisition Templates. See: Automatic Sourcing.
Close - You can close at the header, release, line, and shipment levels.
Close for Invoicing - You can close for invoicing at the header, release, line, and shipment levels. Note that if you close for invoicing a purchase order header that is currently open, Purchasing sets the status of all purchase order shipments to Closed for Invoicing, but the purchase order lines and header remain open. This status will not prevent you from matching an invoice to the purchase order.
Close for Receiving - You can close for receiving at the header, release, line, and shipment levels. Note that if you close for receiving a purchase order header that is currently open, Purchasing sets the status of all purchase order shipments to Closed for Receiving, but the purchase order lines and header remain open.
Finally Close - You can final close at the header, release, line, and shipment levels. Purchasing automatically closes fully billed and received purchase orders. However, to prevent further actions on the purchase order, you should use this form to final close purchase orders. Finally Close prevents modifications to the purchase order. Also, if you are using encumbrance or budgetary control, Finally Close automatically creates credit encumbrance journal entries in your general ledger system to reverse the encumbrance that corresponds to the purchase order header, lines, or shipments you are closing, using the action date you specify in Action Date. See: Budgetary Control and Online Funds Checking.
Freeze - You can freeze only at the header and release level. You freeze a purchase order when you want to prevent any future modifications to the purchase order. When you freeze a purchase order, you can still receive and pay for goods you already ordered. If you want to prevent future receipt or matching invoices against this purchase order, cancel or final close the purchase order instead.
If you use a Requisition template or source to source requisition lines from a purchase order line, Purchasing does not automatically update the corresponding sourcing information when you freeze a purchase order with which you source requisition lines. If you freeze a purchase order, be sure to update the corresponding information in the Requisition Templates or the Sourcing Rules window. See: Defining Requisition Templates. See: Automatic Sourcing.
On Hold - You can place a purchase order on hold only at the header level. This unapproves the purchase order while preventing printing, receiving, invoicing, and future approval until you remove the hold.
Open - You can open at the header, line, and shipment levels.
Open for Invoicing - You can reopen for invoicing at the header, line, and shipment level.
Open for Receiving - You can reopen for receiving at the header, line, and shipment level.
Release Hold - You can release a hold only at the header level.
Unfreeze - You can unfreeze only at the header and release levels.
Note: If you are using encumbrance or budgetary control, make sure the action date you specify lies in an open period.
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