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Printed Purchase Order Overview

Purchasing formats your purchase orders to be printed on a standard purchase order form. The following descriptions explain how Purchasing prints the purchase order information. You can use the standard format or customize the report to meet your needs.

Major Features

Portrait and Landscape Formats

Purchasing lets you print your purchase orders in portrait or landscape format. Use the Submit Requests window to choose either the Printed Purchase Order Report (Landscape) or the Printed Purchase Order Report (Portrait). The explanations that follow describe both portrait and landscape characteristics. See: Submitting a Request

Printed Change Orders Report

In addition to the Printed Purchase Order Report, you can also use the Submit Requests window to choose the Printed Change Orders Report in portrait or landscape formats. This prints only the changes between revisions of purchase orders, but is otherwise identical to the Printed Purchase Order Report. When you have purchase orders with many lines, you can print only pertinent change information to send to the supplier. If a modification to the purchase order shipment causes the purchase order revision to change, the Printed Change Orders Report prints the revised shipment, line, and header. If the modification is to the line, the report prints the revised line and header. If only the header is modified, the report prints only the header. Note that the report does not include purchase orders for which only the distribution is modified.

Brief Notes

Purchasing prints the brief notes to supplier that you attach to the purchase order header or line. These notes can contain up to 240 characters. Purchasing automatically wraps the notes after 103 characters per line for landscape orientation and 75 for portrait. These notes may wrap in the middle of a word to ensure the correct line count for each page.


Purchasing prints all attachments with a usage of Supplier on the purchase order. These notes contain up to 64K characters per note. You can attach as many notes as you want to the purchase order headers and lines. Purchasing also prints text attachments to the items. Purchasing prints 78 characters per line and automatically wraps to the next line. The note appears on the purchase order exactly as you enter it. See: Attaching Notes to Purchasing Documents.

Purchase Agreements

Purchasing prints Purchase Agreement on all your blanket purchase agreements. Purchasing prints Purchase Agreement Release on all your releases.

Purchasing also prints the following messages on contract and blanket purchase agreements. If you provide effective dates on your contract or blanket purchase agreements, Purchasing prints EFFECTIVE FROM [start effective date] TO [end effective date]. If you provide an effective start date without an effective end date, Purchasing prints only EFFECTIVE FROM [start effective date]. If you provide an effective end date without an effective start date, Purchasing prints only EFFECTIVE TO [end effective date].

Cancelled Orders

Purchasing automatically indicates whether you cancelled any part of your purchase order. If you cancel the purchase order header, Purchasing prints the following cancellation message at the top of the purchase order and does not print cancellation messages for lines or shipments:

If you cancel a purchase order release, Purchasing prints the following cancellation message:

If you cancel a blanket purchase agreement line without cancelling the corresponding header, Purchasing prints the following cancellation messages:

If you cancel a purchase order shipment without cancelling the corresponding purchase order line, Purchasing prints the following messages. Purchasing also prints these messages for each shipment if you cancel the corresponding purchase order line.

See: Controlling Documents.

Confirming Orders

You designate whether a purchase order is a confirming order when you enter the purchase order header information. If you select Confirming Order in the Purchase Order Details window, Purchasing automatically prints CONFIRMATION -- DO NOT DUPLICATE. See: Entering Purchase Order Details Information.

Foreign Currency

If you designate that a purchase order is in a different currency than your base currency, Purchasing prints All prices and amounts on this order are expressed in: [foreign currency]. You designate the currency when you create the purchase order.


If you require an acceptance from your supplier, Purchasing prints the following message: Please formally accept this order by: [acceptance date]. You designate whether you require an acceptance when you create the purchase order. When you indicate that you require an acceptance, you also provide an acceptance date by which you expect your supplier to respond. See: Entering and Viewing Purchase Order Acceptances.

UN Number

If you associate a UN number with a purchase order line, Purchasing prints UN Number: [UN number and description]. The UN number and description can contain up to 240 characters. Purchasing prints 87 characters per line for landscape orientation (60 for portrait) and automatically wraps to the next line. See: Purchasing Hazardous Materials.

Hazard Class

If you associate a hazard class with a purchase order line, Purchasing prints Hazard Class [hazard class name]. Purchasing prints up to 87 characters per line for landscape orientation (60 for portrait). See: Purchasing Hazardous Materials.

Contract Purchase Agreement References

Purchasing prints the following message for each standard purchase order line that references a contract number: This PO line references contract PO# [contract number]. You associate a contract purchase agreement number with a standard purchase order line when you create the purchase order.

Quotation References

Purchasing prints the following message for each purchase order line that references a quotation number: This PO line references Quotation #: [supplier quotation number] Line: [line number] Your Quotation #: [purchase order quotation number]. You associate a quotation number with a purchase order line when you create the purchase order.

Automatic Table Update

Purchasing automatically updates the item history table when you print your purchase order for each revision. Purchasing records the item, supplier, quantity, unit of measure, price, and purchase order number. This information is available when you view last price and history information. See: Supplier Item Catalog Overview.

Printed Purchase Order Diagram Descriptions

The following descriptions include both portrait and landscape explanations.

PO Number Purchasing prints the purchase order number. If the order is a release, Purchasing prints a dash ('-') after the purchase order number followed by the release number. (12 characters, portrait and landscape)
Revision Purchasing prints the purchase order revision. (4 characters, portrait and landscape)
Page Purchasing prints the page number. (3 characters, portrait and landscape)
Ship To The ship to information contains up to 3 lines of address. After the address, Purchasing prints the city, state (or province), and zip code on the line 4. On line 5, Purchasing prints the country. Purchasing prints the ship to location even if it is the same as the bill to location. (portrait - 28 characters for line 1 through 4 lines, 25 characters for line 5; landscape - 30 characters for lines 1 through 4, 25 characters for line 5)
Bill To The bill to information contains up to 3 lines of address. After the address, Purchasing prints the city, state (or province), and zip code on the line 4. On the line 5, Purchasing prints the country. (portrait - 28 characters for line 1 through 4 lines, 25 characters for line 5; landscape - 30 characters for lines 1 through 5)
Supplier Purchasing prints the supplier name on line 1. Purchasing then prints up to 3 lines of address. On line 5, Purchasing prints the city, state (or province), and zip code. Purchasing prints the country on line 6. (portrait - 40 characters for line 1, 35 characters for lines 2 through 4, 42 characters for line 5; landscape - 42 characters for line 1, 35 characters for lines 2 through 6)
Customer Account Purchasing prints the number your supplier associates with your company. You provide this number in the Supplier window. (portrait - 13 characters, landscape - 9 characters) See: About Suppliers.
Supplier No. Purchasing prints the number for your supplier. (portrait - 13 characters; landscape - 9 characters)
Date Of Order/ Buyer Purchasing prints the original buyer and creation date. (portrait - first initial of first name and 10 characters of last name; landscape - first initial of first name and 11 characters of last name)
Revised Date/ Buyer If you revise the purchase order and do not change the name of the original buyer, Purchasing prints the original buyer's name and the date of the revision. If you change the buyer's name, the new name is printed. If you have not yet revised the purchase order, Purchasing leaves this field blank. (portrait - first initial of first name and 10 characters of last name; landscape - first initial of first name and 11 characters of last name)
Payment Terms Purchasing prints the payment terms for your purchase order. (portrait - 27 characters; landscape - 21 characters)
Ship Via Purchasing prints the mode of transportation for the items on the purchase order. (portrait - 22 characters; landscape 22 characters)
FOB Purchasing prints the free on board terms. (portrait - 28 characters; landscape 20 characters)
Freight Terms Purchasing prints the freight terms code that explains the condition of the freight charges and the party responsible for the freight. (portrait - 27 characters; landscape - 21 characters)
Requestor/ Deliver To If the standard purchase order is for one requestor only, Purchasing prints the full first and last name of the requestor. For multiple requestors, Purchasing prints Many. (portrait - 22 characters; landscape - 52 characters)
Confirm/ Telephone Purchasing prints the contact name and contact phone number. (portrait - first initial of first name, up to 10 characters of last name, 15 characters for the phone number; landscape - 37 characters for first and last name combined, 16 characters for the phone number)

Standard/Planned Purchase Order Components

Purchasing prints the main text underneath the Item title on the purchase order. Purchasing first prints header information followed by line, shipment, and distribution information.

For single shipments with the same ship-to address as the header, Purchasing pulls all information up to the line level and blanks out the shipment level entirely, regardless of other factors. For multiple shipments or a single shipment with a different ship-to address from the header, Purchasing prints information at both shipment and line levels.

Standard and Planned Purchase Order Header

Standard and planned purchase orders print the following header information if it pertains to the purchase order:

Standard and Planned Purchase Order Lines

After printing the header information, Purchasing prints the following line information:

Line Purchasing prints the purchase order line number.
Item Number/ Description Purchasing prints your item number first. If you have an item revision number, Purchasing prints [revision number]. If you specify a supplier item number, Purchasing prints (Your #: [supplier item number]) on the next line. Purchasing then prints the item description on the following line. (portrait - wraps after 23 characters per line, landscape - wraps after 45 characters per line)
Delivery Date Purchasing prints dates only for single shipments. If you provided a promised date, Purchasing prints the promised date. If you do not provide a promised date or a last date, but you provide a need by date, Purchasing prints the need by date. Otherwise, this space is blank.
Quantity Purchasing prints the quantity of the item you are ordering if the line type is quantity-based (in number format 999999999 with any existing decimal places, portrait and landscape)
Unit Purchasing prints the item unit of measure for quantity-based items (4 characters, portrait and landscape)
Unit Price Purchasing prints the item unit price if the line type is quantity-based (in number format 999999999999 with any existing decimal places in the precision associated with the currency, portrait and landscape)
Extension Purchasing prints the total amount of the line. This number is the product of the quantity and unit price. (in number format 9999999999999 with any existing decimal places in the precision associated with the currency, portrait and landscape). For amount-based line types, Purchasing prints the price extension only for single shipments.
Tax For single shipments, Purchasing prints Y or N to indicate whether this is a taxable item.
After printing the first line of the purchase order, Purchasing prints the following if they pertain to the purchase order:

Standard and Planned Purchase Order Shipments

After printing each line, Purchasing prints the following shipment information:

After printing the bullet and address to signify a new shipment, Purchasing prints the following information:

Delivery Date If you provided a promised date, Purchasing prints the promised date. If you do not provide a promised date or a last date, but you provide a need by date, Purchasing prints the need by date. Otherwise, this space is blank.
Quantity Purchasing prints the quantity of the item you are ordering for quantity-based items (in number format 999999999 with any existing decimal places, portrait and landscape)
Unit Purchasing prints the item unit of measure for quantity-based items (4 characters, portrait and landscape)
Extension For multiple shipments of amount-based line types, Purchasing prints the total amount of the line. This number is the product of the quantity and item price override. (in number format 9999999999999 with any existing decimal places in the precision associated with the currency, portrait and landscape)
Tax Purchasing prints Y or N to indicate whether this is a taxable item. For amount-based line types, Purchasing prints the tax flag only for multiple shipments.
If you cancelled a shipment, Purchasing prints the following information:

Standard and Planned Purchase Order Distributions

After printing each shipment, Purchasing prints the following distribution information:

Agreement/Release Components

Blanket/Contract Purchase Agreement Header

Purchasing prints the following header information if it pertains to the purchase order:

Blanket Purchase Agreement Lines

After printing the header information, Purchasing prints the following line information:

Line Purchasing prints the purchase agreement line number
Item Number/ Description Purchasing prints your item number first. If you have an item revision number, Purchasing prints [revision number]. If you specify a supplier item number, Purchasing prints (Your #: [supplier item number]) on the next line. Purchasing then prints the item description on the following line. (portrait - wraps after 23 characters per line, landscape - wraps after 45 characters per line)
Quantity Purchasing prints the quantity committed of the item you are ordering for quantity-based items (in number format 999999999 with any existing decimal places, portrait and landscape)
Unit Purchasing prints the item unit of measure for quantity-based items (4 characters, portrait and landscape)
Unit Price Purchasing prints the item unit price for quantity-based items (in number format 999999999999 with any existing decimal places in the precision associated with the currency, portrait and landscape)
Extension Purchasing prints the total amount committed for the line. This number is the product of the quantity and unit price. (in number format 9999999999999 with any existing decimal places in the precision associated with the currency, portrait and landscape). For amount-based line types, Purchasing prints the price extension only for single shipments.
After printing the first line of the purchase order, Purchasing prints the following information if it pertains to the purchase order:

Blanket Purchase Agreement Release Header

Purchasing prints the following header information if it pertains to the release:

Blanket Purchase Agreement Release Lines

After printing the header information, Purchasing prints the following line information:

Line Purchasing prints the purchase order line number
Item Number/ Description Purchasing prints your item number first. If you have an item revision number, Purchasing prints [revision number]. If you specify a supplier item number, Purchasing prints (Your #: [supplier item number]) on the next line. Purchasing then prints the item description on the following line. (portrait - wraps after 23 characters per line, landscape - wraps after 45 characters per line)
Unit Price Purchasing prints the item unit price for quantity-based items (in number format 999999999999 with any existing decimal places in the precision associated with the currency, portrait and landscape)
After printing the first line of the purchase order, Purchasing prints the following information if it pertains to the purchase order:

Blanket Purchase Agreement Release Shipments

After printing each line, Purchasing prints the following shipment information:

After printing the bullet and address to signify a new shipment, Purchasing prints the following information:

Delivery Date If you provided a promised date, Purchasing prints the promised date. If you do not provide a promised date or a last date, but you provide a need by date, Purchasing prints the need by date. Otherwise, this space is blank.
Quantity Purchasing prints the quantity of the item you are ordering for quantity-based items (in number format 999999999 with any existing decimal places, portrait and landscape)
Unit Purchasing prints the item unit of measure for quantity-based items (4 characters, portrait and landscape)
Unit Price Purchasing prints the item price override for quantity-based items (in number format 999999999999 with any existing decimal places in the precision associated with the currency, portrait and landscape)
Extension Purchasing prints the total amount of the line. This number is the product of the quantity and item price override. (in number format 9999999999999 with any existing decimal places in the precision associated with the currency, portrait and landscape)
Tax Purchasing prints Y or N to indicate whether this is a taxable item.
If you cancelled a shipment, Purchasing prints the following information:

Blanket Purchase Agreement Release Distributions

After printing each shipment, Purchasing prints the following distribution information:


Purchasing prints Continued at the bottom of every page except for the last page of the purchase order. Purchasing prints the sum of the purchase order lines on the bottom of the last page.

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