Entering Requisition Lines
Use the Lines alternative region in the Requisitions window to enter requisition line information.
You can choose a predefined item (See: Defining Items.) or you can an enter an item without an item number.
To enter requisition line information:
2. Enter a line Type for the requisition line. Line types help you define how you want to categorize your items. The default for this field is the Line Type from the Purchasing Options window. (See: Defining Default Options.) If you change this line type, defaults from the Line Types window appear in the Category, UOM and Price fields, and the cursor moves to the Category field. See: Defining Line Types.
For purposes of requisition line entry, line types are handled in three classes: amount-based, quantity-based, and outside processing. The defaults that appear when you enter a line type are cleared if you change the line type to a different class. Once you have committed a line, you can change the line type only to another line type of the same class.
3. For quantity-based line types and outside processing line types, enter the Item you want to request. Purchasing displays defaults for purchasing category, item description, unit of measure, and unit price for this item. See: Defining Items.
4. Enter the Revision (if any) that corresponds to the item you want to order.
5. Enter the purchasing Category. You cannot change the category if you provide an item number in the Item field.
6. Enter the item Description to explain the item in further detail. When you enter an item number, Purchasing displays the item description from the Items window. You can change this description only if the Allow Description Update attribute for the item is enabled. See: Defining Items.
7. Enter the Quantity you want to request for the item. You can enter decimal quantities, but you must enter a value greater than 0.
If there is a source document and a sourcing rule for the item you choose, you can use list of values in this field to get price breaks from quotations or blanket purchase agreements. When you change the quantity, the unit price is recalculated from the price breaks on the document.
If Quantity Rounding is enabled, Purchasing either displays the rounded quantity you should have entered in a warning message or it updates the quantity to the appropriate rounded quantity. The rounding is based on the Unit of Issue (or primary unit of measure if the Unit of Issue is not defined) and the Rounding Factor defined for the item in Inventory. Rounding is up or down to the nearest whole Unit of Issue/primary unit of measure using the rounding factor. See: Overview of Requisitions.
8. Enter the unit of measure you want to use for your requisition line. If you enter an item number, Purchasing defaults the unit of measure for this item. If you change this value, the quantity is rounded again if appropriate, and the price is recalculated. If you enter a line type that is amount based, Purchasing uses the unit of measure that you assigned to that line type in the Line Types window. You cannot change the unit of measure of amount based items.
9. Enter the unit Price for the item. You can enter the price in decimal format. You must enter a value greater than or equal to 0. If you enter an item number, Purchasing defaults the list price for this item, but you can change this value. If you create a requisition line for an amount based line type, Purchasing sets the price to 1, and you cannot change it. Unit prices are in the functional currency.
10. Enter the Need By date for the requested items. This is required only for planned items. You must enter a date greater than or equal to the requisition creation date.
The Charge Account is rolled up from a single distribution after the distribution is created. If more that one distribution is created for the line, Multiple is displayed.
The lower part of the screen below the Lines alternative region consists of optional fields for which the default can be set in the Requisition Preferences window. See: Entering Requisition Preferences.
11. Enter the Deliver To type:
Expense - The goods are delivered to the requestor at an expense location. The destination subinventory is not applicable.
Inventory - The goods are received into inventory upon delivery.
Shop Floor - The goods are delivered to an outside processing operation defined by Work in Process. Purchasing uses this option for outside processing items.
12. Enter the name of the employee who is requesting the item. You must provide a Requestor before you can approve the requisition. The default is the requisition preparer.
13. Enter the Organization.
14. Enter the delivery Location for the requested items. Purchasing defaults the deliver-to location that you assign to the employee in the Enter Person window. You must provide a deliver-to location before you can approve the requisition. Before the source of the line can be Inventory, the deliver-to location must be linked to a customer address in the Customer Addresses window. See: Assigning a Business Purpose to a Customer Address.
15. Enter the Subinventory. This field applies only when the Deliver To is Inventory.
16. Enter the Source type. The source type determines the source of the requisitioned items. The choice you have in this field is dependent on the PO: Legal Requisition Type profile option. You may be able to use either the Inventory or the Supplier source type, or both types. See: Profile Options in Purchasing.
Note that if you have both options, you can source requisition lines independently of the document type. You can even mix inventory and supplier sourced requisition lines in the same requisition. Purchasing creates one internal sales order for all inventory source type requisition lines on this requisition. The supplier source type requisition lines are placed onto purchase orders with the AutoCreate Documents window.
Even if you are restricted to one type, Purchasing restricts the source type as appropriate for the item. If you are restricted to Inventory but you are requesting a Supplier item (Purchased Item attribute - Yes, Internal Ordered Item attribute - No), the source type can be only Supplier. Conversely, if you are restricted to Supplier requisitions and you ask for an Inventory item (Purchased Item attribute - No, Internal Ordered Item attribute - Yes), the source type can be only Inventory. This is allowed because a requestor may not know the item source type.
17. For the Supplier source type, enter the suggested Supplier, Supplier Site, Contact, and Phone. For the Inventory source type, enter the Organization and Subinventory.
18. Save your work. If you save a requisition line without entering a distribution, Purchasing tries to generate a distribution line for you, using the Account Generator based on the information you have entered. If you want your distribution account numbers to be generated based on project information, you must enter project information in the Requisition Preferences or Requisition Distributions windows before committing the distribution line. See To enter project information preferences in: Entering Requisition Preferences. See To enter project information in: Entering Requisition Distributions.
To enter line source details for the Supplier source type:
- Navigate to the Source Details alternative region. When the source type is Supplier, you can enter the Note to Buyer, Buyer, RFQ Required, Supplier Item number, source Document Type (Blanket or Quotation), source Document, and document Line Number.
To enter line details:
- Navigate to the Details alternative region. You can enter a Justification, Note to Receiver, Transaction Nature, Reference Number, UN Number, and Hazard class. See: Defining Lookup Codes
To enter line currency information
1. Navigate to the Currency alternative region.
2. Enter a suggested currency for the requisition line. This must be an enabled code from the Currency window. The cursor enters the remaining currency fields only if you have entered a currency here. See: Defining Currencies.
3. Purchasing supplies you with one of two predefined currency rate types: User or EMU Fixed. A rate type of User means that you can enter a conversion rate between the foreign currency (or transaction currency in a document entry window) and the base currency (or functional currency, defined in your set of books). A rate type of EMU Fixed means that if either your transaction currency or your functional currency is Euro (the European Monetary Unit currency) and the other is another European currency, Purchasing automatically enters a conversion Rate Date and Rate for you that you cannot change.
You can define additional currency rate types in the Define Daily Conversion Rate Types form, and you can enter User or one of your additional types. See: Defining Conversion Rate Types.
4. Enter the currency rate date.
5. Enter the currency conversion rate. Purchasing overrides this default when you are entering requisition lines if the rate type is not User and if you have established a rate for the rate type and date. See: Entering Daily Rates
To enter outside processing information:
To open the Supplier Item Catalog:
To enter requisition distributions:
To approve requisitions:
To check funds:
- Select Check Funds on the Special menu.
To enter requisition preferences:
To reaccess a requisition quickly:
- Choose Place on Navigator from the Action menu. Choose the Documents alternative region in the Navigator to later access the requisition more quickly. See also: Using the Navigator's Documents Region.
Note: Once you place a document in the Navigator, it is the first thing you see in the Navigator the next time you log into Purchasing. Choose Functions to return to the Purchasing menu.
See Also
Overview of Requisitions
Using the Account Generator in Oracle Purchasing
Entering Requisition Headers