Requisition Import Process
Use the Requisition Import process to import requisitions from other Oracle or non-Oracle systems. Work in Process, Master Scheduling/MRP, Order Entry, and Inventory (as well as custom systems) can provide requisition information for the Purchasing requisition interface table. For example, drop-ship orders from Order Entry and Kanban orders from Inventory are sent to the requisition interface table and converted into requisitions. Also, project and task information from Master Scheduling/MRP are imported through the Requisition Import process. Requisition Import creates a requisition line and one or more requisition distributions for each row it finds in the interface table. It then groups these lines on requisitions according to parameters you define below.
You can set the profile PO: Release During ReqImport to create releases each time you run the Requisition Import process. For example, when you implement planned orders as requisitions in the MRP Planner Workbench, you can automatically create the releases at the same time you create the requisitions. Purchasing automatically creates (and optionally approves) the releases for all blanket-sourced, approved requisitions as part of the Requisition Import process, not just those created by the Requisition Import run.
Each requisition you create using Requisition Import enters Purchasing with the approval status that was specified when the row in the interface table was created. However, if you are using requisition encumbrance (the Use Requisition Encumbrance field in the Encumbrance Information region of the Financials Options window is set to Yes), Requisition Import changes the Approved status to Pre-Approved, and you must approve the requisitions. If you're using encumbrance, the requisition approval process attempts to reserve funds for the document at the beginning of the process. If the approval process cannot reserve funds at the beginning of the process, then the funds are reserved when an approver with enough authority to reserve the funds approves the document.
If the requisitions you import are Pre-Approved or incomplete, Requisition Import calls the PO Requisition Approval workflow to submit the requisitions to the approval process. If the requisitions you import are already approved, Requisition Import calls the PO Create Documents workflow in Purchasing to automatically create corresponding purchase orders; the PO Create Documents workflow then calls the PO Approval workflow to approve the purchase orders, if you've enabled automatic approval. See: Choosing Document Creation Options.
You can place requisitions you imported on purchase orders just as you would any other requisition. Purchasing automatically sources your requisition line to a blanket agreement or catalog quotation number if the supplier for the item is in the Approved Supplier List and if sourcing rules are set up for the item.
When you submit the Requisition Import process, Purchasing automatically prints the Requisition Import Run Report. You can view this report by Using the View Requests window and choosing the Report option in the View field for the Requisition Import process you submitted. If there were no records in the transaction interface table, the report has two lines:
- No records were processed
- Number of records in error = 0
Otherwise, the report normally has three lines:
- Number of approved requisitions created = n
- Number of unapproved requisitions created = n
- Number of records in error = n
When there are transaction records that cannot be processed, the report includes a fourth line:
- Number of records pending = n.
To run the Requisition Import process:
1. Navigate to the Submit Requests window.
2. Select Requests in the Type field.
3. Select Requisition Import in the Name field.
4. Enter the Import Source. Leave this field blank for all import sources.
5. Enter the Import Batch Identification for the batch that you want to import. Leave this field blank to import all batches.
6. Use the Group By feature to determine how requisition lines are grouped on the requisitions you create. The default in this field is set in the Purchasing Options window. Choose one of the following options:
All: Group all requisition lines on one requisition
Buyer: Group requisition lines for each buyer name on a separate requisition
Category: Group requisition lines for each purchasing category on a separate requisition
Item: Group requisition lines for each item on a separate requisition
Location: Group requisition lines for each location on a separate requisition
Supplier: Group requisition lines for each supplier name on a separate requisition
7. Enter the Last Requisition Number that exists in your system. Purchasing increments this number by one to calculate the next requisition number. If the calculated number is already in use, Purchasing selects the next available requisition number. Leave this field blank to automatically get the next available requisition number.
8. Choose Yes or No for Multiple Distributions.
A multiple distribution allows you to charge requisition line items across multiple cost centers. For example, you could have a requisition line quantity for 10 items; you could charge 5 to one cost center, 3 to another, and 2 to yet another. If in this run of Requisition Import you have to create multiple distributions for at least one requisition line, choose Yes. If you do not need to create multiple distributions for a requisition line, choose No.
Attention: If the Import Source you chose was Master Scheduling/MRP, Order Entry, or Inventory (INV), choose No. If the Import Source you chose was Web Requisitions (ICX), choose Yes.
9. Save your work to begin the process.
See Also
Profile Options in Purchasing
Defining Purchasing Options
Automatic Release Generation
Submitting a Request
Viewing Requests
Automatic Sourcing
Drop Shipments
Kanban Replenishments
Workflow for Creating Purchase Orders and Releases
Approval Workflows