Entering Purchase Agreement Information
Use Terms in the Purchase Orders window to enter additional information for blanket purchase agreement lines and headers.
To enter additional agreement information on the header:
1. From the Purchase Orders window, select Terms.
2. Choose the Payment term. An example of a payment term is Net 30.
3. Choose a Freight term. An example of a freight term is Prepaid.
4. Choose a Carrier. An example of a carrier is Rail.
5. Choose an FOB point. An example of an FOB point is Origin.
To enter additional agreement line information:
1. In the Agreement alternative region of the Purchase Orders window, enter the Minimum Release Amount against this purchase agreement line.
2. Enter the Quantity Agreed. This is printed on your purchase orders. Purchasing does not automatically compute the quantity agreed from the amount agreed. Use the Amount Agreed field to provide agreed amounts.
3. Enter the Amount Agreed. Purchasing does not automatically compute the amount agreed from the quantity agreed.
4. Select Cumulative Pricing if you want Purchasing to choose the price break by adding the current release shipment quantity to the total quantity already released against the purchase agreement line. Otherwise, Purchasing chooses the price break by using the individual release shipment quantity.
See Also
Supplier Item Catalog Overview
Entering Currency Information
Entering Purchase Order Details Information
Entering Purchase Order Shipments
Entering Purchase Agreement Price Break Information
Submitting a Document for Approval.
Entering Purchase Order Notification Controls
Entering and Viewing Purchase Order Acceptances
Viewing Action History
Entering Purchase Order Preferences