Entering Quotation Headers
Use the Quotations window to:
- Enter and edit quotations
- Review and edit quotations you copied from RFQs
Note: You can also receive catalog quotations electronically from your suppliers through the Purchasing Documents Open Interface. See: Receiving Price/Sales Catalog Information Electronically.
Before using this window you should perform the following:
To enter quotation header information:
2. Enter a unique number for the quotation. In the Purchasing Options window, you can choose whether quotation numbers are numeric or alphanumeric and whether Purchasing automatically generates them when you save your changes. See: Defining Numbering Options.
3. In the Type field, enter one of the document names defined for quotations. The list of values lists the Document Type (Document Name) and Quotation Class from the Document Types window. For existing quotations, the list of values includes only quotations with the same Quotation Class. See: Defining Document Types.
4. If you copied this quotation from an existing RFQ, Purchasing displays the corresponding RFQ number, which you can override.
You can also manually provide an RFQ number. Purchasing verifies the supplier and supplier site you provide and lets you choose from a corresponding list of RFQs. If you want to enter a quotation as a response to an RFQ for a supplier you did not provide on the RFQ supplier list, you need to modify the RFQ supplier list first. If you change the supplier or supplier site information on this quotation after you enter an RFQ number, Purchasing removes the RFQ number, and you must re-enter it. See: Entering RFQ Supplier Information.
If you enter the number of an RFQ for which you already entered a response for this supplier and supplier site, Purchasing displays a warning message but permits your entry.
Attention: If you are entering a quotation that is a response to an RFQ you previously sent to the supplier, you need to provide this RFQ number to indicate to Purchasing that the supplier responded.
5. Enter the Supplier for this quotation. When you enter a supplier name, Purchasing uses the default terms, conditions, and currency information for this supplier in the Quotation Terms and Currency windows. The list of values displays the supplier name, number, Tax ID number, and VAT number.
6. Enter the supplier Site for this quotation. You do not need to provide a supplier site for a quotation. When you enter a supplier site, Purchasing uses the default terms, conditions, and currency information for this supplier site in the Quotation Terms and Currency windows.
7. Enter a supplier Contact for this quotation.
8. Enter the Ship-To and Bill-To locations for the items on the quotation. See: Site Locations.
9. Use the Status field to control the status of the quotation:
In Process - The initial status when you create the quotation. Purchasing sends you notifications that the quotation is awaiting completion.
Active - Choose this status when the quotation is complete and you are ready to approve it. Only Active quotations can be approved.
Closed - When you enter a quotation, you provide an expiration date for it. Purchasing sends you a notification when the quotation approaches expiration using the warning delay you provided in the quotation header. You can manually close the quotation to acknowledge the notification. If you do not acknowledge the notification by closing the quotation, the status of your quotation is still Active. You cannot use Closed quotation information on purchase orders.
10. Enter the Supplier Quote number.
11. Select Approval Required to indicate that approval is required to purchase goods based on this quotation.
12. The Response Date is the date you actually received the quotation. Purchasing defaults today's date as the response date, but you can change this date.
13. Enter the beginning and ending Effective Dates for the quotation.
14. Purchasing displays your name as the Buyer. You can forward the quotation to another buyer by choosing the name of this buyer from the list of values. The buyer you enter receives all notifications regarding this quotation.
To approve the quotation:
To enter currency information:
To enter terms and conditions information:
To enter shipment information:
To enter price break information: