Entering RFQ Price Break Information
Use the RFQ Price Breaks window to enter pricing information for RFQs.
Attention: Use this window to request as many price breaks as you want. You can provide multiple price breaks if you want to receive quotations from your suppliers for different terms, ship-to locations, or quantities.
To enter RFQ price break information:
2. In the Price Break alternative region, enter the line Number. Purchasing supplies line numbers in increments of one.
3. Enter the Quantity at this price.
4. Enter the shipping UOM for the RFQ price break line. You may want the supplier to ship the item in different units of measure depending on the quantity you order. Purchasing defaults the unit of measure from the RFQ line.
5. Enter the unit Price for the RFQ price break line. You might want to provide price discounts to indicate to the supplier the prices you would like to receive. Leave this field blank if you want the supplier to provide a price independent of the price you want
6. Enter the Organization.
7. Enter the Ship-To location for the quotation line shipment. Purchasing defaults the ship-to location from the RFQ header.
8. Enter the Discount percentage from the unit price for the RFQ line. If you enter a unit price and break price for this line, Purchasing does not automatically calculate the discount. You should provide either a break price or a discount, not both. If you enter both values for the RFQ, Purchasing prints only the break price on the RFQ. If you provide a discount without providing a break price, Purchasing prints the discount on the RFQ.
9. Enter the Effective Date when you want to be able to start using the quotation from your supplier. If you leave this field blank, Purchasing applies the quotation effective date from the RFQ Header window. You can also enter lead time information instead of date information.
10. Enter the Expiration Date when you no longer need the quotation from your supplier. If you leave this field blank, Purchasing applies the expiration date from the RFQ header.
11. Enter the Lead Time for this RFQ line.
12. Enter the UOM you want to use to define the lead time.
13. Enter the Payment Terms for the RFQ. Purchasing prints these terms on the RFQ only if they are different from the terms on the RFQ header. The default is the payment terms from the RFQ header.
14. Enter the Freight Terms for the RFQ. Purchasing prints these terms on the RFQ only if they are different from the freight terms on the RFQ header. The default is the freight terms from the RFQ header.
15. Enter the FOB point for your RFQ Line. Purchasing prints this FOB point on the RFQ only if it is different from the FOB point on the RFQ header. The default is the FOB name from the RFQ header.
16. Enter the freight carrier for your RFQ. Purchasing prints this carrier on the RFQ only if it is different from the carrier on the RFQ header. The default is the carrier from the header.
The Approved check box indicates that there is an approved quotation shipment referencing this line.
To enter additional RFQ price break information:
1. Select the More alternative region in the RFQ Price Breaks window.
2. Enter the line number. Purchasing provides line numbers in increments of one.
3. Select Taxable to indicate that the item is taxable. If you entered an item in the RFQ Lines window, Purchasing defaults the taxable status from the item record. If you do not enter a predefined item, Purchasing defaults this value from the Default region of the Purchasing Options window. See: Defining Items. See: Defining Default Options.
4. Enter or use the default Tax Name for taxable items.
The tax name defaults from the following sources, in the following order:
- The Purchase Order Preferences window. If you have specified a preferred tax name in this window, Purchasing defaults this tax name onto the RFQ shipment.
- The Tax Defaults region in the Purchasing Options window. If you have specified a tax defaulting hierarchy in this window, Purchasing searches for and defaults the tax name corresponding to that tax defaulting hierarchy. See: Defining Tax Defaults Options.
You can accept the default tax name or select another. If you need additional help with how tax defaulting works in Purchasing, see: Tax Defaults in Purchasing.
5. Choose the Invoice Matching option. The default is from the Purchasing Options window. See: Defining Default Options.
Two-Way - Purchase order and invoice quantities must match within tolerance.
Three-Way - Purchase order, receipt, and invoice quantities must match within tolerance.
Four-Way - Purchase order, receipt, inspection, and invoice quantities must match within tolerance.
None - Receipts may exceed the selected tolerance.
Reject - Receipts cannot exceed the selected tolerance.
Warning - The receiver gets a warning message, but receipts can exceed the tolerance.
See Also
Entering RFQ Headers
Entering RFQ Lines