Receiving Transactions
You record inspections, deliveries, and material movements within receiving and inspection by entering receiving transactions. These transactions provide a history that allows you to track an item from its source to its destination.
From the time of receipt, many transactions may be required to record the movement of an item through the receiving and inspection process. For example, after being received, an item can be transferred, inspected, and then delivered. To help you keep track of an item within receiving and inspection, these transactions are linked to each other. You can use the Receiving Transaction Summary (See: Finding Receiving Transactions (Summary)) to view an item's transaction history as if it were a family tree with parent and child transactions. A parent transaction can have one or more child transactions, but a child transaction has only one parent transaction. In the above example, the receipt transaction is the parent of the transfer transaction, while the transfer transaction is the child of the receipt transaction. Purchasing displays parent transaction information to help you determine the status of the item for which you are entering a transaction. For example, if you are about to transfer an item from Receiving Dock 1 to Inspection Area A, you should verify that the parent transaction's location is Receiving Dock 1. Purchasing also displays the parent transaction's unit of measure and available quantity. Available quantity is significant because you cannot enter a quantity for a current transaction that is greater than the parent transaction's available quantity. For example, if you have received 10, you can inspect only up to a quantity of 10. Purchasing also displays the inspection result for a parent transaction if the given material has been accepted or rejected as part of an inspection. For delivery transactions, you must enter lot/serial/locator information for controlled items. See: Lot and Serial Number Control. See: Defining Stock Locators.
Search Criteria
The first step in entering a new receiving transaction is to choose the receipt involved in this transaction. In the Find Receiving Transactions window (See: Finding Receiving Transactions), you can enter a variety of search criteria such as receipt number, current location, various item details, shipment number, purchase order number, and requisition number. Once you have specified search criteria, Purchasing displays the receipts (and previous transactions) in the Receiving Transactions window for which you can process transactions. Information for receipts is based on information from parent transactions that meet your search criteria.
Express and Cascade Transactions
Purchasing offers two functions to facilitate transaction entry: Express and Cascade. In Express mode, you cannot modify default quantities, but you can record the delivery of many receipts at once. See: Express Receipts and Receiving Transactions. Cascade mode is applicable only for receipts for the same item. In cascade mode, Purchasing starts with the first receipt and enters deliveries for each subsequent receipt for this item until the cascade quantity is met. See: Cascading Receipts and Receiving Transactions.
Receiving Transactions Window
You enter all transfer and delivery transactions in the Receiving Transactions window. If you want to perform an inspection transaction, you can open the Inspections window to specify accepted and rejected quantities. See: Inspections.
Purchasing ensures that you can record deliveries quickly and easily. If you know the purchase order number (or shipment number for internal transactions), you can simply record the quantity delivered for the appropriate item. If you do not know the purchase order number, you can search using what you know, such as Receipt Number, Supplier, Packing Slip, Category, Item Number or Inspection Required. Purchasing automatically tracks the total quantity delivered to date for a particular receipt.
You can deliver only as many items as you receive. Purchasing lets you easily correct any delivery information.
Both Jane Tims and Juliet Cunningham submit a requisition for 50 chairs each. The buyer places both requisitions on one purchase order line and indicates that the items require receipt. You receive the 100 chairs and record the receipt in the Receipts window. You see that 50 chairs are for Jane Tims in Building 1, and the other 50 chairs are for Juliet Cunningham in Building 2. In the Transactions window, you deliver 50 chairs to each requestor and record the quantity delivered.
Oracle Quality
There are two entry points to Oracle Quality from Purchasing if Oracle Quality is installed. Both entry points are in the Receiving Transactions window: the Enter Quality Results option in the Special menu (or the Quality button on the menu bar) and the Inspect button. The Enter Quality Results menu option and button are available only if a quality collection plan or plans exist for the receiving transaction. When a mandatory collection plan exists for the receiving transaction, quality results data must be entered and saved before you can save your receiving transaction line information. (You optionally define a collection plan as mandatory when you create the collection plan in Oracle Quality. See also: Oracle Quality User's Guide.)
You cannot perform data collection using Oracle Quality when you select the Express button in the Receiving Transactions window.
For more information on Oracle Quality and the Inspect button, see: Inspections.
See also: Entering Receiving Transactions.