Matching Unordered Receipts
Use this window to match unordered receipts to purchase order shipments.
To select unordered receipts for matching:
1. Navigate to the Find Unordered Receipts window by selecting Match Unordered Receipts on the menu.
2. Enter any of the following as selection criteria for the receipts you want to match to purchase orders: Receipt Number, Supplier Name, Item, Category, Supplier Item Number, Receiver, Transaction Date, Receiving Location, Item Description.
3. Select the Find button. If your selection criteria produce any receipts for matching, the Item Number, Revision, Category, and Supplier are displayed in the Unordered Receipts block in the Match Unordered Receipts window. The Receipt Number, Quantity Received, Receiving UOM, Deliver To, Receiver, Item Description, Quantity Ordered, Order UOM, Destination, and Supplier Item Number for the current receipt are displayed in the lower part of the window.
To match unordered receipts:
2. In the Purchase Order block in the Match Unordered Receipts window, enter a purchase order number in the PO Number field. You can also choose List of Values from the tool bar to query the purchase order shipments available to match the current unordered receipt. This displays the PO Number, Release, Line, and Shipment for all shipments appropriate for matching. See: Unordered Receipts.
3. Select the Match button to match the current shipment to the current unordered receipt.
To display receipt header information:
- Select the View Receipt Header on the Special menu to display receipt header information.
To display receipt line information:
- Select the View Receipt Line on the Special menu to display receipt line information.
To display purchase order information:
- Select View PO Header on the Special menu to display purchase order header information.
See Also
Unordered Receipts