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Business Examples: User-Defined Formulas

The following two examples explain how to create user-defined formulas that 1) calculate process yield based upon total quantity and quantity defective and 2) calculate line thickness deviation in a circuit board based upon the actual and optimum specified thicknesses.

Calculating Percent Yield Example

To calculate the percent yield from a process, define the following collection plan elements:

If the collection plan elements are sequenced in the order shown above or a similar order (e.g. 60,70,80), define the Assign a Value action per the following:

Calculating Deviation in Line Thickness Example

To determine the deviation of the line thickness in a circuit board that is over or under a specified specification, define the following collection plan elements

If the collection plan elements are sequenced in the order shown above or a similar order (e.g. 60, 70, 80), define the Assign a Value action per the following:

See Also

User-Defined Formulas

Defining Actions that Assign a Value: User-Defined Formulas

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