Business Examples: User-Defined Formulas
The following two examples explain how to create user-defined formulas that 1) calculate process yield based upon total quantity and quantity defective and 2) calculate line thickness deviation in a circuit board based upon the actual and optimum specified thicknesses.
Calculating Percent Yield Example
To calculate the percent yield from a process, define the following collection plan elements:
If the collection plan elements are sequenced in the order shown above or a similar order (e.g. 60,70,80), define the Assign a Value action per the following:
From the Collection Plans window, select the 'Total Quantity' collection plan element then choose the Actions button. The Quality Actions window appears.
In the Action Rules region, select the 'is entered' condition. This condition ensures that Oracle Quality calculates the Yield after the user enters the Defect Quantity and the Total Quantity.
In the Actions this Rule Invokes region, select the Assign a value action.
In the Action Details region, choose the Action Details button. The Assign a Value window appears.
Select the 'Yield' collection plan element to Assign the value To.
Select the option to assign a value using a formula (this is the default selection).
Enter the following formula:
Choose the Variables button. The Output Variables window appears.
Enter the token name 'DEFECTQTY' for the Defect Quantity collection plan element. Also enter the token name 'TOTAL' for the Total Quantity collection plan element.
Choose OK to exit both the Output Variables and Quality Actions windows.
Calculating Deviation in Line Thickness Example
To determine the deviation of the line thickness in a circuit board that is over or under a specified specification, define the following collection plan elements
- Seq 50: Specified Thickness
If the collection plan elements are sequenced in the order shown above or a similar order (e.g. 60, 70, 80), define the Assign a Value action per the following:
From the Collection Plans window, select the 'Specified Thickness' collection plan element then choose the Actions button. Then Quality Actions window appears.
In the Action Rules region, select the 'is entered' condition. This condition ensures that Oracle Quality calculates the Deviation after the user enters the Line Thickness and Specified Thickness.
In the Actions this Rule Invokes region, select the Assign a value action.
In the Action Details region, choose the Action Details button. The Assign a Value window appears.
In the Assign a Value window, select a collection plan element to Assign the value To.
Select the option to assign a value using a formula (this is the default selection)
Enter the following formula:
Choose the Variables button. The Output Variables window appears.
Enter the token name 'LINETHICKNESS' for the Line thickness collection plan element. Also enter the token name 'SPECTHICKNESS' for the Specified Thickness collection plan element.
Choose OK to exit both the Output Variables and Quality Actions windows.
See Also
User-Defined Formulas
Defining Actions that Assign a Value: User-Defined Formulas