Quality Specifications Report
Use the Quality Specifications Report to list information about your quality specifications. You can choose to list all specifications for a particular specification type. You can also choose to list information for one or all specifications. Lastly, you can choose to list specifications by their category sets and categories. Specification information includes the specification type, effectivity date, characteristic name, unit of measure, target value, and upper and lower specification limits, reasonable limits, and user-defined limits. Information is listed in alphanumeric order by specification name.
Report Submission
In the Submit Requests window, enter Quality Specification Report in the Name field.
Report Parameters
Specification Type
Choose a specification type. See: Specification Types.
Specification Subtype
Choose a specification subtype. See: Specification Subtypes
Characteristic Group
Choose a characteristic group.
Category Set
Choose a category set.
Choose a category depending on the category set chosen.
Choose an item, customer, or supplier depending on the specification type chosen.
See Also
Defining Specifications
Submitting a Request