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Specifications for Transactional Data Collection

If a specification type has been associated with the collection plan that is invoked as you enter a parent transaction, the system searches for the correct specification based on information provided by the transaction. If there is not enough information to find a specification, you are prompted to select one. You can select a specification other than the type designated for the selected collection plan. You can choose not to select a specification if prompted to do so.

You can enter quality results as you enter transactions using collection plans that have a designated specification type. If no item specification can be found for the item, the system searches for a specification based on the item category. The default category set you defined using the QA:Quality Category Set profile option is used to determine the item category. See: QA:Quality Category Set.

Attention: Once you have selected, or chosen not to select, a specification during transactional data collection you cannot change your specification selection without deleting the results you have already entered.

Item Category Specification Example

You create a Scrap collection plan to collect data about scrap transactions associated with the WIP Move transactions. You also associate this collection plan with the "Item" specification type. However, you do not define a specification for the item, AX100, you plan to scrap. Instead you define a specification that is associated with the item's category. As you scrap AX100 item assemblies (by moving them into a scrap intraoperation step), the system searches item specification (e.g. a specification for AX100) then, not finding an item specification, searches for and finds a specification for the category of item AX100. See: Specification Types.

Supplier Specification Example

You create an Outside Processing collection plan and associate it with the "Supplier" specification type. As you enter WIP move transactions for item A54888, worked on by supplier Comprehensive Components, you are prompted to enter the supplier. The system then searches for a specification that is defined for this item and supplier combination.

Customer Specification Example

The Customer Dimension Requirements collection plan captures inspection results in the WIP Move transaction for items produced for key customers. Each customer has different specification requirements so you created specifications by item and customer to track these requirements. You designated specification type Customer Specifications for the Customer Dimension Requirements collection plan. Oracle Quality searches for specifications by item and customer during quality data collection; however, the move transaction does not automatically know the customer number, so you are prompted for this information before the search for the specification begins.

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