Creating a Competence Profile
Use the Competence Profile window to create and update a personal competence profile.
When you open this window, you will see all competencies, past and present, held by the person. If you want to see only current competencies and proficiency levels, check the Current Competencies box.
To create a competence profile:
1. Select the first competence this person possesses.
You can also automatically enter all competencies required for the person's primary assignment or a vacancy, or the enterprise's core competencies. See: To copy competencies from requirements.
2. Select the proficiency level at which the person performs the competence.
3. Enter the date from which the person possesses the competence at this level. For example, if the person gained the competence through a qualification, enter the date the qualification was gained. You can enter a date when the competence expires, if required.
4. In the Source of Proficiency Rating field, you can select the method by which the person gained the competence, such as training course or previous experience.
5. Select the method of certifying that the person attained the competence at the recorded level, such as by examination.
6. Enter the date when the person's proficiency in this competence should be reviewed.
7. Continue to enter the competencies the person possesses, then save your changes.
To copy competencies from requirements:
1. Choose the Copy Competencies button. A Copy Competencies window appears.
2. Do one of the following:
- Check the Core Competencies box to copy all the competencies required throughout your enterprise.
- Check the Primary Assignment Competencies box to copy all the competencies required in the organization, job and position to which the person is assigned.
- Select a vacancy to copy all the competencies required in the organization, job and position for which the vacancy is defined.
3. Enter the dates between which the competencies are valid (you must have a From date, but you can leave the To date blank).
4. Choose the Copy button.
You can now enter proficiency levels, certification methods, and so on for each of these competencies held by the person.
To update a competence profile:
1. Check the current check box if you want to see only the current competencies the person possesses, otherwise leave this box blank.
2. Enter new competencies for this person, or update proficiency levels and other details for existing competencies.
Note: If you update a proficiency level, enter the date when the new level was attained. Then, when you save your changes, you will see that the system keeps a record of the old proficiency level, ending the day before the start date of the new level.
See Also
Entering Qualifications.
Entering Schools and Colleges Attended.
Entering Work Choices