Entering Qualifications
You can enter an employee's qualifications when they first join the enterprise, and then update them after periodic assessments or appraisals or after completion of a training course.
Use the Qualifications window, accessed from the People window, to enter and update qualifications.
To enter qualifications:
1. Select the type of qualification this person possesses and the title of the qualification.
2. Select the status of the qualification, for example, whether training is ongoing or completed.
3. Enter the grade at which the person holds the qualification, if appropriate.
4. Select the establishment at which the person gained the qualification.
5. Enter the awarding body which bestowed the qualification, if you want.
6. Enter the dates between which the qualification is gained You must enter a Start date but you can leave the End date blank (if the qualification is still incomplete).
7. Enter the date the qualification was awarded, if you want.
8. Enter the projected completion date the qualification is awarded, if relevant.
9. Enter the ranked position within the class, if relevant.
10. Enter any comments, for example, what percentage of the award was course work or examination, if you want.
To enter tuition fees for reimbursement:
1. In the Tuition Details alternative region, enter the amount and select the currency to reimburse the person
2. Select the method of tuition, for example, day release.
3. Enter the method of reimbursement, for example, bank transfer to be paid when qualification is awarded.
To enter training details:
1. Choose the Training Details alternative region.
2. Enter the amount of training completed. For example, enter 30 days completed of a training program that lasts 60 days.
3. Enter the total amount of training required to deliver the qualification.
4. Enter the units in which the training is measured, for example, days.
To enter license details:
1. Choose the License Details alternative region.
2. Enter the licence number, for example, a driving licence number.
3. Enter any restrictions, for example, licence not valid in certain states.
4. Enter the licence expiry date.
To enter subjects:
1. Enter the first subject the qualification comprises.
2. Select the status at which the subject is awarded, for example, whether training in the subject is ongoing.
3. Enter the dates between which the subject is studied. You must enter a Start date but you can leave the End date blank (if the subject is still incomplete).
4. If the subject forms a major part of the qualification, check the Major box.
5. Enter the grade at which the subject is studied, if you want.
6. Continue to enter further subjects until you have entered them all for the qualification, then save your changes.
See Also
Entering Schools and Colleges Attended.
Entering Work Choices
Creating a Competence Profile.