Entering Release Shipments
Use the Shipments alternative region to enter shipment lines for planned and blanket releases and to edit shipments that Purchasing automatically generated for you. (See: Automatic Release Generation) A purchase order shipment specifies the quantity, ship-to location, and date you want your supplier to deliver the items on a purchase order line.
To enter release shipment information:
1. Navigate to the Shipments alternative region in the Releases window.
The first alternative region is the Shipments region. In addition to the enterable fields discussed in the following steps, this region displays the UOM, the Originally Promise date (if the Promised date has been changed, the original promised date is displayed here), the Charge Account, the shipment Amount, and a check box to indicate whether funds have been Reserved. See: Budgetary Control and Online Funds Checking.
2. Enter the line Number for the shipment line. If you enter a new shipment line, Purchasing displays the next sequential line number available. You can enter any line number greater than zero that does not already exist.
3. Enter the source Line number. The list of values includes the item number, revision, and description.
4. For scheduled releases only, you can enter the source Shipment. This is the planned purchase order shipment against which you want to issue a release. The details from the shipment are used as defaults for the scheduled release shipment.
5. Enter the ship-to Organization. If you picked a line with an item, you can pick only organizations in which the item is defined. If you picked a revision number on the purchase order line, the item revision must also be defined in the organization. For scheduled releases (against planned purchase orders), you cannot change the default organization from the planned purchase order shipment. Note that you cannot update the organization once you have saved your work.
6. Enter the Ship-To location for the shipment. You can pick any location that does not have an organization or any location whose organization matches the organization in the previous field. See: Purchase Order Defaulting Rules For blanket releases, Purchasing defaults the ship-to location from the Release Header zone. For scheduled releases, Purchasing gets default information from the planned purchase order shipment.
7. Enter the Quantity for the shipment. This value must be greater than zero.
8. Enter the Price you want to use for this shipment. Purchasing displays the actual price for the shipment from the purchase order line price for the item. The actual price defaults from the purchase agreement line.
You can use list of values to choose purchase agreement price breaks. If your purchase agreement has price breaks, the quantity entered here determines what break price is defaulted into the Price field. The cursor does not enter this field when you are editing an existing line.
If you allow price override for this purchase order line in the Purchase Orders window, the release price cannot exceed the price limit specified for the line. If you allow price override but did not enter a price limit, Purchasing does not check the shipment price for the releases. If you do not allow price override, Purchasing displays the shipment price from the purchase agreement and prevents you from navigating to this field. This field can be defaulted from the purchase agreement price breaks if you have entered a sufficient quantity.
9. Enter the date that the supplier Promised delivery of the items. This promised date is printed on the release.
10. Enter the Need By date when the requestor needs the item. This date is printed on the release if you do not enter a promised date. The default is from the Purchase Order Preferences window. If you use Purchasing with Master Scheduling/MRP, you must provide a need-by date or promised date for shipments that correspond to purchase order lines with Master Scheduling/MRP planned items. You must also provide a need-by date or promised date for Inventory planned items. See: Planner Workbench.
11. Select Taxable to indicate that the item is taxable.
12. Enter or use the default Tax Name for taxable items.
The tax name defaults from the following sources, in the following order:
- The Purchase Order Preferences window. If you have specified a preferred tax name in this window, Purchasing defaults this tax name onto the release shipment.
- The planned purchase order shipment. If you are creating a release shipment from a planned purchase order and a tax name exists on the planned purchase order shipment, Purchasing defaults this tax name onto the release shipment.
- The Tax Defaults region in the Purchasing Options window. If you have specified a tax defaulting hierarchy in this window, Purchasing searches for and defaults the tax name corresponding to that tax defaulting hierarchy. See: Defining Tax Defaults Options.
You can accept the default tax name or select another. If you need additional help with how tax defaulting works in Purchasing, see: Tax Defaults in Purchasing.
To display item information:
- Select the Item alternative region in the Releases window.
For each shipment, Purchasing displays the Item number, purchasing Category, item Description, and the Supplier Item number.
To display and enter more shipment information:
1. Select the More alternative region in the Releases window.
2. Enter the Receipt Close Tolerance percent for your shipments. Purchasing automatically closes a shipment for receiving if it is within the receiving closing tolerance at the receiving close point. You need to set the receiving close point in the Purchasing Options window. See: Defining Control Options
3. Enter the Invoice Close Tolerance percent for your shipments. Purchasing automatically closes a shipment for invoicing if it is within the invoicing closing tolerance at billing, when Payables matches invoices to purchase orders. See: Defining Control Options
4. Select one of the following Invoice Matching options:
Two-Way Matching: Purchase order and invoice quantities must match within tolerance.
Three-Way Matching: Purchase order, receipt, and invoice quantities must match within tolerance.
Four-Way Matching: Purchase order, receipt, accepted, and invoice quantities must match within tolerance.
If you enter an item, the default value for this field comes from the item information. If you do not enter an item, the default is from your Purchasing Options. See: Receiving Controls, Options, and Profiles.
5. Select Accrue on Receipt to indicate that the items on this purchase order line accrue on receipt. Shop Floor and Inventory destined items always accrue on receipt, and you cannot change this default. For expense items, if the Accrue Expense Items flag in the Purchasing Options window is set to Period End, the items cannot accrue on receipt, and you cannot change the default. If the Accrue Expense Items flag is set to On Receipt, the default is to accrue on receipt, but you can change it to not accrue on receipt. See: Defining Accrual Options.
Attention: If you are using Cash Basis Accounting, you should use the Purchasing Options window to set the Accrue Expense Items flag to Period End, and you should not select Accrue on Receipt in this window.
6. Select Firm to firm the shipment to indicate to Master Scheduling/MRP or your manufacturing application that it should not reschedule this release shipment.
To display status information:
- Select the Status alternative region.
For each shipment, Purchasing displays the Status and the quantity Ordered, Received, Cancelled, and Billed.
To take approval actions:
To enter receiving control information:
To enter distribution information:
See Also
Entering Release Headers
Entering Release Distributions
Entering Purchase Order Preferences
Viewing Action History