Defining Collection Elements
You can define an unlimited number of collection elements. The collection elements that you define can be added to collection plans to determine what quality results data to collect, track, and report. You can add, change, and delete collection elements as your data collection requirements change.
You can customize your collection elements by:
- defining collection element values
- defining specification limits
- defining action rules and quality actions
To define a collection element:
Attention: You can define collection elements one-at-a-time in the Collection Elements window. This method is described below. You can, however, also define several collection elements simultaneously using the Collection Elements Summary window. See: Combination Block and Navigating Within a Combination Block.
You can use alphanumeric characters (a/A through z/Z and 0 through 9), spaces, and underscores (_) in the collection element name. You cannot use special characters such as quotes, commas, and periods. You also cannot use words that are reserved for column names in collection plans such as NAME, OCCURRENCE, ORGANIZATION_ID, and CREATED_BY.
Collection element names are not differentiated by case. For example, if a Diameter collection element exists, you cannot enter a collection element named DIAMETER.
You can only add enabled collection elements to collection plans and specifications.
You can select any enabled collection element type.
5. Enter text for the data entry Prompt.
The prompt defaults to the name of the collection element but can be overwritten. As you enter quality results prompts are displayed in the Results region of the Enter Quality Results window. Prompts are also used as column headings for custom reports created using the Quality Results ReportWriter.
Hints guide the use through the data entry process by appearing in the message line as you enter quality results. See: Message Line.
A mandatory collection element can be redefined as non-mandatory when added to a collection plan.
The reporting length specifies how much space is allocated to quality result values for this collection element on reports and inquiries. The reporting length also determines how much space is allocated to this collection element in the Enter Quality Results window.
Attention: The reporting length does not determine the amount of space used to store quality results values in the quality data repository. Results values can be up to up to 150 characters in length.
If you define specification limits for this collection element, the decimal precision entered here controls the decimal precision of the specification limit values you can define.
Units of measure can be entered for any collection elements regardless of data type.
Default values automatically appear when you enter quality results for this collection element. For example, assume you define a collection element called Inspector ID. Since inspector 101 performs most inspections, you enter 101 as the Default Value for the collection element. As you enter quality results for the Inspector ID collection element, the value 101 automatically appears. You can override this value. See: Default Value Assignment Rules.
You can base a collection element's data validation on any table in the Oracle database. To do this, you can define a SQL validation statement that Oracle Quality uses for validation when you collect quality data. This SQL statement must be a SELECT statement in which you select two columns. For example, if you have entered machine numbers in a database table, you can cross validate machine numbers entered as you collect quality results against the numbers. See: SQL*Plus User's Guide and Reference, Release 3.2.
For example to validate machine numbers from a table called 'machine_numbers' stored in the database, enter the following SQL validation statement:
SELECT machine_number, machine_description
FROM machine_numbers
WHERE NVL(disable_date, SYSDATE+1) > SYSDATE
AND organization_id=:parameter.org_id
ORDER BY custom_machine_number
Attention: To constrain the SQL Statement to the current organization, you can use the variable ':parameter.org_id' for the current organization id. To constrain the SQL Statement to the current user's id, you can use the variable ':parameter.user_id' for the current user's id.
If you define both a SQL validation statement and a list of collection element values, only the list of values is used for validation; the SQL validation statement is ignored.
To define collection element specification limits:
To define collection element values:
To define collection element actions:
1. Navigate to the Collection Elements window.
You cannot delete collection elements that have been added to collection plans or specifications even if they have not been used to collect quality results. You cannot delete collection elements that are referenced in settings that have been saved. See: Copy Settings.
You also cannot delete predefined reference information collection elements. You can disable collection elements that you cannot delete.
3. Choose Delete Record from the Edit Menu.
See Also
Collection Elements