Finding Specifications While Entering Results Directly
If a specification type has been associated with the collection plan selected, you are prompted to find and select a specification of that type as you enter quality results. You can select a specification from the list of values or by entering search criteria. You can optionally select a specification of another type. You can also select specifications for collection plans that do not have a designated specification type.
To find and select specifications by name:
Selecting a specification by name is the fastest specification selection method.
To by-pass specification selection:
- Choose the Cancel button.
To find and select specifications by type:
- Enter your search criteria then choose the Find button.
You can narrow your search criteria by choosing the specification type (Item Spec, Supplier Spec, or Customer Spec) and an Item or Item Category and Revision. If you select a Supplier Spec or Customer Spec specification type, you must also select the Customer or Supplier.
If you try to find any type of specification, but a specification for that item cannot be found, Oracle Quality searches for a specification based on the category of the item entered. The default category set you defined using the QA:Quality Category Set profile option is used to determine the item category. See: QA:Quality Category Set.
If you entered search criteria and no specification that matches the criteria is found, a warning message is displayed and the specification limits that were defined for the collection element are used. See: Defining Collection Element Specification Limits.
See Also
Specification Types
Associating Specification Types with Collection Plans