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Viewing Descriptive Statistics

You can compute basic statistics for quality results associated with any collection plan element using the Descriptive Statistics window. You can enter selection criteria to find only specific quality results for the collection plan element.

You can create descriptive statistic views from "scratch" or you can create them by copying settings from another chart, descriptive statistic view, or custom report. Copying settings allows you to view the same subset of data in different ways. See: Copy Settings.

You can save your descriptive statistic view settings. You can recreate descriptive statistic view using these saved settings, and you can change these settings to create new views.

The statistics calculated include the sum, mean, variance, standard deviation, total number of occurrences (the count), number of null occurrences (that is, occurrences where a value was not entered for the collection element), maximum, minimum, and range.

If you select specification limits, you can also calculate Cp and Cpk values as you view descriptive statistics. Cp and Cpk are measures of process capability, which is defined as the measured, inherent reproducibly of the product turned out by the process. See: Cp and Cpk.

After viewing descriptive statistics, you can optionally export the raw data that was used to create the view. Exported data can be further analyzed using a spreadsheet or statistical analysis software package.

   To create a descriptive statistic view using copy settings:

   To create a descriptive statistic view:

   To select which quality results to include in the calculation:

   To calculate and display statistical results:

   To save your descriptive statistic settings:

   To export chart results:

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