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Exporting Quality Results

The statistics engine you choose, using the QA:Statistics Engine profile option, determines what data is exported. See: QA:Statistics Engine.

If you are using the Statit statistics engine, you can export information to a file which can be read by the Statit statistical package. Doing so allows you to continue analyzing your data using the Statit tool set.

If you are using the Oracle Quality statistics engine, you can export to a comma-delimited ASCII file. You can then import this information into a spreadsheet, statistical analysis, or graphical presentation software package for further analysis.

Results Exported: Statit Statistics Engine

If you are using the Statit statistics engine, all the information that Statit requires for continued analysis is exported. This includes all the results values for the records that meet your selection criteria and the values for the following common collection plan elements -- Created By, Collection Number, and Entry Date -- that are associated with each of these records. See: Common Collection Plan Elements.

For example, if you have added 20 collection elements to your collection plan, when you export to Statit, 23 values (the 20 you added plus the 3 common collection plan elements listed above) are included with each export record.

All export files are placed in the directory specified by the QA:Statistics Engine Path profile option. These files can also be read by 3rd party packages. See: QA:Statistics Engine Path.

Results Exported: Oracle Quality Statistics Engine

If you are using the Oracle Quality statistics engine, the information that is exported is limited and varies based on which window you exporting from.

Information is always exported to a comma-delimited ASCII file and can then be imported into spreadsheet, statistical analysis, or graphical presentation software packages.

By window, the information and the order that it is exported in is as follows:

Control Charts For each record that satisfies the selection criteria entered, the Subgroup Number entered (X-axis collection element), and the calculated X-bar average, X-bar range, X-bar Upper Control Limit (UCL), X-bar target value, X-bar Lower Control Limit (LCL), and the calculated R-bar UCL, R-bar target value, and R-bar LCL values are exported in this order. See: Creating and Viewing Control Charts.

Note: If you have manually specified Upper X and R Control Limits, X and R Average values, and Lower X and R Control Limit values, these values are exported instead.

Histogram For each selected record, the calculated values for the range and number of occurrences within that range are exported. See: Creating and Viewing Histograms.
Pareto Chart For each selected record, the X and Y collection element values are exported. For example, if you are charting the defect codes and the number of items classified with those codes, only the selected and charted values for defect codes (X) and quantities (Y) and are exported. See: Creating and Viewing Pareto Charts.
Trend Chart For each selected record, the X and Y collection element values are exported. For example, if you are charting annealing temperatures recorded over a period of several weeks, only the selected and charted values for X (temperatures) and Y (dates) are exported. See: Creating and Viewing Trend Charts.
Descriptive Statistics Only the values for the statistical element specified for each selected record. For example, if your statistical element is item number and your selection criteria indicates all items inspected in a given date range, a list of items -- which may or may not include duplicates entries -- is exported. See: Viewing Descriptive Statistics.
Lot Quality Only result records that meet the lot selection criteria and the record selection criteria entered in the Find Results window are exported. Values for all collection plan elements as well as the common collection plan elements -- Created By, Collection Number, and Entry Date -- are included for each record. See: Viewing Quality Results by Lot Number.
-- Created By, Collection Number, and Entry Date --

Serial Number Quality Only result records that meet the serial number selection criteria and the record selection criteria entered in the Find Results window are exported. Values for all collection plan elements as well as the common collection plan elements -- Created By, Collection Number, and Entry Date -- are included for each record. See: Viewing Quality Results by Serial Number.
View Quality Results Only result records that meet the record selection criteria entered in the Find Results window are exported. Values for all collection plan elements as well as the common collection plan elements -- Created By, Collection Number, and Entry Date -- are included for each record. See: Viewing Quality Results
Quality Results ReportWriter Only the results values that are included on the report are exported. They are exported in columnar order. See: Using the Quality Results ReportWriter.
Update Quality Results Only result records that meet the record selection criteria entered in the Find Results window are exported. Values for all collection plan elements as well as the common collection plan elements -- Created By, Collection Number, and Entry Date -- are included for each record. See: Updating and Deleting Quality Results.


   To export results if you are using the Oracle Quality Statistics Engine:

   To export results if you are using the Statit Statistics Engine:

See Also

Special Menu

Viewing Quality Results

Updating Quality Results

Viewing Descriptive Statistics

Viewing Quality Results by Lot Number

Viewing Quality Results by Serial Number

Using the Quality Results ReportWriter

Creating and Viewing Pareto Charts

Creating and Viewing Trend Charts

Creating and Viewing Control Charts

Creating and Viewing Histograms

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