Entering Automotive Commodity Code Information
The Automotive Commodity Codes window defines additional CARaS commodity code information to supplement existing information maintained in the Oracle Inventory Commodity Codes window. When you save the information in the Automotive Commodity Codes window, the Export Commodity Automotive Extensions and Import into Radley CARaS export script is automatically started, thus exporting the additional commodity code information into the Radley CARaS database. See: Export Commodity Automotive Extensions and Import into Radley CARaS.
To enter automotive commodity code information:
If you open the window via the Oracle Inventory Customer Item Commodity Codes window, many of the fields will default automatically based on the Commodity Code you select from the Customer Item Commodity Codes window. Go to step 3.
If you open the window from the Automotive Navigator, Oracle Automotive displays the Find Commodity Code window listing the existing Commodity Codes and their descriptions defined in Oracle Inventory. See: Defining Commodity Codes. Go to step 2.
2. Select the commodity code for which you want to add information.
If Automotive Commodity Code information has not been previously entered, you are prompted in a Decision window to choose whether to continue. If additional information has already been entered for the selected commodity code, you can update this information as described below.
3. If the export papers option is being used for any trading partner, select Foreign or Domestic to indicate the type of merchandise to be exported.
Domestic exports include merchandise grown, produced, or enhanced in the United States. Foreign exports include merchandise that has entered the United States and is being exported in the same condition as when it was imported.
4. If the export papers option is being used for any trading partner, enter a Schedule B Commodity Number.
Schedule B numbers can be obtained from the Statistical Classification of Domestic and Foreign Commodities, which is used to classify goods exported from the United States.
To update or delete automotive commodity code information:
- You can update or delete information in the Automotive Commodity Codes window at any time without impacting Oracle Inventory.
See Also
Entering Automotive Customer Item Information
Defining Commodity Codes
Overview of Setup
Commodity Code, Radley CARaS User's Guide