Entering Automotive Customer Item Information
The Automotive Customer Items window defines additional CARaS customer item information to supplement existing information maintained in the Oracle Inventory Customer Items window. When you save the information in the Automotive Customer Items window, the Export Item Automotive Extensions and Import into Radley CARaS export script is automatically started, thus exporting the additional customer item information into the Radley CARaS database. See: Export Customer Item Automotive Extensions and Import into Radley CARaS.
You must define an item, a customer item, and associate the customer item with the item in Oracle Inventory. See: Defining Customer Items.
To enter automotive customer item information:
If you open the window via the Oracle Inventory Customer Items Summary window, many of the fields will default automatically based on the Customer and Customer Item Number you select from the Customer Items Summary window. Go to step 3.
If you open the window from the Automotive Navigator, Oracle Automotive displays the Find Customer window listing the existing Customer Names and Numbers. Go to step 2.
2. Select the customer item for which you want to add information.
If Automotive Customer Item information has not been previously entered, you are prompted in a Decision window to choose whether or not you want to create new records. If additional information has already been entered for the selected customer item, you can update the information in the alternative regions as described below.
Note: Once you have selected an organization in any alternative region, it is displayed as the default in subsequent alternative regions.
3. Enter all desired information in the window.
To enter purchase order information:
1. Enter the purchase order Number.
If there is more than one purchase order number, enter the one most often used.
2. Enter the Issue Date of the purchase order.
3. Enter the selling Price of one unit of the item.
For example, if the UOM is DZ, enter the price of a dozen items. This is used in the Customs invoice and in the Total Projected Sales Report. This is only used by CARaS to produce reports.
4. Enter the minimum order quantity of the item.
5. Enter the customer's (CARaS trading partner's) Buyer Code.
To enter customer item information:
1. Enter the Universal Product Code.
2. Enter the Lead Time, which is the number of working days required from receipt of an order for this customer item until the order is shipped.
3. Enter the Label Text for the item.
Use this field to enter special characters required by the customer that should be printed in the user defined area of bar code scanning labels.
4. Enter the engineering Drawing Number associated with the item.
5. Enter the engineering Change Level for the item.
This indicates the revision level.
6. Enter the Customer Attribute.
To enter container pack information:
1. Select the Unit of Measure, which indicates the unit in which standard packs of the item are expressed.
2. Enter the Tare Quantity.
This is the standard number of units per pack. This information is used when exporting data to calculate the quantity which should actually be shipped based on the requirements received. For example, if the item is shipped in boxes of 50 and the customer orders 240, the quantity actually shipped would be 250.
3. Enter the pack Dimension Unit of Measure.
This is the UOM for the exterior of the pack.
4. If you entered the Dimension UOM, enter the Height, Width, and Length in the Dimension UOM.
To enter inner pack information:
1. Select the inner pack Unit of Measure.
2. Enter the Quantity of inner packs per container.
3. Enter the Item Quantity.
This is the number of items per inner pack.
To enter unit conversion information:
1. Select the Unit of Measure.
2. Enter the Multiply By factor.
3. Enter the Divide By factor.
To update or delete automotive customer item information:
- You can update or delete information in the Automotive Customer Items window at any time without impacting Oracle Inventory.
See Also
Overview of Setup
Entering Automotive Commodity Code Information
Entering Automotive Customer Information
Entering Automotive Customer Address Information
Part Master File Maintenance, Radley CARaS User's Guide