Entering Automotive Customer Address Information
The Automotive Customer Addresses window defines additional customer address information to supplement existing information maintained in the Oracle Receivables Customers window. When you save the information in the Automotive Customer Addresses window, the Export Address Automotive Extensions and Import into Radley CARaS export script is automatically started, thus exporting the additional customer address information into the Radley CARaS database. See: Export Address Automotive Extensions and Import into Radley CARaS.
Attention: Refer to the Trading Partner Specification Appendix in the Radley CARaS User's Guide for more information.
To enter automotive customer address information:
If you open the window via the Oracle Receivables Customers window, many of the fields will default automatically based on the Customer Name and Customer Address you select from the Customers window. Go to step 3.
If you open the window from the Automotive Navigator, Oracle Automotive displays the Find Customer window listing the existing Customer Names and their Customer Numbers. Go to step 2.
2. Select the Customer (CARaS trading partner) for which you want to add address information.
If Automotive Customer Address information has not been previously entered, you are prompted in a Decision window to choose whether to continue. If additional information has already been entered for the selected customer address, you can update this information in the alternative regions as described below.
3. Enter all desired information in the alternative regions.
To enter address information:
1. Select the record Type option.
| A destination cross reference is required for all trading partners. Select this option if you are defining a ship-to site.
| A division cross-reference code may be required for trading partners. Select this option if you are defining a bill-to site.
| Allows you to update CARaS for other records it may require. Select this option if you are defining both a ship-to and bill-to site.
See: Defining Trading Partner Information.
2. Enter the customer address Name.
3. Select the Division abbreviation to identify the division corresponding to the destination.
The division specifies the bill-to address for the Destination (ship-to address).
4. Enter the Primary abbreviation as specified by the Trading Partner Specifications Appendix in the Radley CARaS User's Manual.
5. Enter the Secondary abbreviation as specified by the Trading Partner Specifications Appendix in the Radley CARaS User's Manual.
6. For GM only, check User Attribute to indicate that the destination record being added is using the Material Scheduling System (MSS).
To enter communications information:
1. Enter the Group Identifier as shown in the CARaS Address Abbreviations Maintenance form documentation.
2. Enter the Interchange Identifier.
3. Enter the Interchange Qualifier.
4. Enter the Network Mailbox to identify the ID associated with the customer mailbox used with this customer.
To enter exports information:
1. Check the Daily checkbox to indicate that you are not exporting Just in Time (JIT) requirements.
2. Check the Firm/Forecast checkbox to indicate that you are not exporting firm forecasts.
3. Check the Fab/Raw checkbox to indicate that you are not exporting fabrication/raw material requirements.
To enter requirements information:
1. Select the Cumulative Update code to determine when year-to-date (YTD) cumulations are to be updated:
1 - After advance shipment notices (ASNs) are transmitted
2 - After Shippers are printed
3 - After the Daily Shipping Report is printed
4 - Cumulations are not kept
2. Select the Recycle Type to indicate the way in which previously issued daily requirements that are not shipped should be handled:
0 - Requirements not shipped are replaced when new daily requirements are received.
1 - Requirements remain on file until shipped.
20-29 - Requirements that have a date that is the specified number of days old are retained.
3. Select the Shipments code to determine how shipments are applied to requirements for this customer and destination:
0 - Shipped quantities are not applied to a specific requirement
1 - Match on delivered orders only
2 - Match on delivered orders first; then oldest
3 - Match on oldest order
4. Check Overshipments to apply overshipments.
5. Enter the last three digits of the Model Year.
6. Select the Weight UOM code to indicate whether the weight is in pounds (L) or kilograms (K).
To enter shipment information:
1. Select the shipping Reference code to indicate how ship reference numbers are used for this destination:
2. Enter the number of In Transit Days and Hours.
3. Select the Export Papers code to determine the type of export papers required for this destination:
4. Check Declarations if you want to print shipper export declarations when export papers are printed.
To enter enable transactions information:
1. Check Advanced Ship Notice to send an ASN to this destination.
You must check this check box if you want Shipping documents to print in Radley CARaS.
2. Check Invoice to send an electronic invoice to this destination.
3. Select the Order Acknowledgement code to indicate whether purchase order acknowledgements are sent to this destination:
To enter label information:
Attention: You need to enter information in the Label alternative region only if you are using Radley Raduform.
1. For customers who require bar code labeling, enter the bar code label Name.
2. For customers who require bar code labeling based on daily release information, enter the bar code Master Label.
3. Check Auto Print if you want bar code labels to be printed when the Daily Requirements Update Log is printed.
4. Select the Generate code to indicate how bar code labels are generated:
5. Select the Label code to indicate the type of tare, detail container, and serial number information that the customer requires on advance shipment notices (ASNs).
To enter miscellaneous information:
1. Select the Entity ID as shown in the CARaS documentation for the Abbreviation Cross Reference form.
2. Enter the ID Code Qualifier as shown in the CARaS documentation for the Abbreviation Cross Reference form.
To update or delete automotive customer address information:
- You can update or delete information in the Automotive Customer Addresses window at any time without impacting Oracle Receivables.
See Also
Overview of Setup
Entering Automotive Commodity Code Information
Entering Automotive Customer Information
Entering Automotive Customer Item Information
Address Abbreviations, Radley CARaS User's Guide
Abbreviation Cross Reference, Radley CARaS User's Guide