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Automotive Open Orders Pricing Report

The Open Orders Pricing Report lists open orders and their unit prices so that you can identify the effects of price changes to ordered items and price variances.

You may have agreed that you must receive customer acknowledgement of price changes before you can adjust the price on open orders or shipped orders. This report helps identify the magnitude of price changes and what lines are eligible. Retroactive Billing refers to adjustments to the invoiced quantities.

Based on this report, price changes to outstanding order lines can then be updated directly on the price list. If a quantity has been shipped but not invoiced, the price is updated directly on the order line.


Through Reports on the menu, navigate to the Submit Requests window and enter Automotive Open Orders Pricing Report in the Name field to submit the report.


Order Number (From / To)

Enter the range of order numbers to restrict the report to specific order numbers.

Order Date (From and To)

Enter the range of order dates to restrict the report to specific orders on specific dates.


Enter the title you want printed on the report. Automotive Open Order Pricing Billing is the default.

Report By

Select the type of data you want printed in the report. Select External to print information based on external customer data. Select Internal to print internal data.

Customer / Trading Partner Designator

Select the customer (CARaS trading partner) number to restrict the report to a specific customer. See: Entering Oracle Automotive Customer Information.

Address / Destination Abbreviation

Select the customer address to restrict the report to a specific address. See: Entering Oracle Automotive Customer Address Information.

Customer / Inventory Item ID (From / To)

Select the range of Customer / Inventory IDs to restrict the report to specific Customer / Inventory IDs.

Order By

Select the method in which you want the report sorted. Select Order Date to sort the information in the report by order date. Select Order Number to sort the information by order number.

See Also

Submitting a Request

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