Entering Additional Trading Partner Information
The Trading Partner Extras window defines additional CARaS trading partner information to supplement existing information maintained in the Oracle Receivables Customers window and the Oracle EDI Gateway Trading Partner Groups window. When you save the information in the Trading Partner Extras window, the Export Customer Automotive Extensions and Import into Radley CARaS export script is automatically started, thus exporting the additional customer information into the Radley CARaS database. See: Export Customer Automotive Extensions and Import into Radley CARaS
Caution: Before entering information on the Trading Partner Extras window, verify that the information you are entering is valid using the Trading Partner Specifications Appendix in the CARaS User's Manual. If the information you enter does not match the specifications, CARaS will not function properly when the information is imported into CARaS.
To enter additional trading partner information:
If you open the window via the Oracle EDI Gateway Trading Partner Groups window, many of the fields will default automatically based on the Group and Trading Partner you select from the Trading Partner Groups window. Go to step 3.
If you open the window from the Automotive Navigator, Oracle Automotive displays the Find Trading Partner Group window listing the existing Trading Partner Group Codes and their descriptions. Go to step 2.
2. Select the Trading Partner Group Code for the CARaS Trading Partner for which you want to add information.
If a record for the selected Trading Partner Group Code does not exist, you are prompted in a Decision window to choose whether or not you want to create a new record. If additional information has already been entered for the selected trading partner, you can update this information in the regions as described below.
3. Enter all desired information in the window.
To enter item details information:
1. Enter the maximum Part Number Length.
2. Check Model Year Significant if the customer requires that the model year be referenced when storing cumulative requirements and sending ASNs.
3. Select the Weight UOM code.
Choose from Pounds or Kilograms.
4. Check Purchase Order Significant if the customer requires that an assigned purchase order number be referenced when storing cumulative requirements and sending ASNs.
5. Select the Part Number Data Type code:
Choose from Alphanumeric or Numeric.
To enter requirements information:
1. Select the Daily Release Required Type:
2. Select the Forecast Method to indicate how forecast requirements received from this customer are issued:
3. Select the Forecast Release Required Type:
4. Check Multiple Divisions Destination to indicate that the customer has destinations assigned to multiple divisions.
5. Select the Firm Release Required Type:
6. Check Previous CUM Provided if the customer provides the previous cumulative requirement on releases.
To enter trading partner information:
2. Enter the EDI Number Alternate if you are sending documents to more than one location.
3. Enter the EDI Number Qualifier.
4. Enter the EDI Number Qualifier Separator.
To enter shipment reference information:
1. Check Number Required if the customer requires a special ship number such as a delivery order number or RAN number when you send them advance shipment notices (ASNs).
2. If you checked Number Required, enter the Number Source to be used as the reference number description.
See the CARaS trading partner documentation for suggested entries.
To update or delete trading partner extra information:
- You can update or delete information in the Trading Partners Extra window at any time without impacting Oracle Receivables.
See Also
Entering Automotive Commodity Code Information
Entering Automotive Customer Address Information
Entering Automotive Customer Item Information
Trading Partner Profiles, Radley CARaS User's Guide