To View Notifications from a Web Browser
2. If you are not using Oracle Self-Service Web Applications, you can access your worklist directly by entering one of the following URLs.
The portion of the Worklist URL in square brackets [] represents optional arguments that you can pass (by omitting the square brackets).
Replace the bracketed italicized text in these URLs as follows:
- <orderkey> represents the key with which to order the list of notifications. Valid values include PRIORITY, MESSAGE_TYPE, SUBJECT, BEGIN_DATE, DUE_DATE, END_DATE, and STATUS. If you leave <orderkey> null, then the default value is PRIORITY.
- <status> represents the status of the notifications you wish to display. Valid values include OPEN, CLOSED, CANCELED, and ERROR. If you leave <status> null, the URL will display notifications of any status.
- <user> represents the internal name of the role to query notifications for. You can only include this argument if you are logged in to the current web session as a role with workflow administrator privileges. If your role does not have administrator privileges or if you leave <user> blank, the URL displays notifications for your current role. See: Identifying the Oracle Workflow Administrator Role.
Note: You can also access the Notifications Worklist and Find Notifications web pages from the Oracle Workflow home page. See: Accessing the Oracle Workflow Home Page.
4. Enter your username and password.
5. Choose OK. If you have made an error, you can clear the values and start over.
Find Notifications
6. A Find Notifications window appears. Use the Order By field to specify how you wish to order the notifications in the Worklist window. You can choose:
- Closed - Orders by date for closed processes followed by remaining processes.
- Due - Orders by due date.
- Priority - Orders by priority.
- Sent - Orders by date sent.
- Status - Lists Open process first followed by closed processes and finally cancelled processes.
- Subject - Ordered alphabetically using the Subject column.
- Type - Ordered alphabetically using the Type column.
7. You can use the Status field to restrict the notifications that appear in the Worklist to those that have a specific status. You can choose:
- All - Displays all processes.
- Cancelled - Displays only Cancelled processes.
- Closed - Displays only Closed processes.
- Invalid Reply - Displays only processes with Invalid Replies.
- Open - Displays only Open processes.
8. If you log on as a role that has workflow administrator privileges, you get an additional field called User ID in the Find Notifications window. You can enter a username in this field to access another user's Worklist. See: Identifying the Oracle Workflow Administration Role
9. Choose the Submit button to open the Worklist window.
Notification Worklist
10. The Notifications Summary page appears. You can click on "Show all notifications"/"Show open notifications only" on the top of the page to toggle between displaying all your notifications or just those that have a status of 'Open', respectively.
The following information is listed depending on whether you are displaying all notifications or just open notifications:
- Priority--a value that represents the importance of the message.
- Type--the item type that the workflow process and notification is associated with.
- Subject--a description of the notification.
- Sent--date and time when the notification was delivered.
- Due--date and time by which the notification should be completed.
- Closed--date and time when notification is completed and closed.
- Status--value that indicates whether the notification is open or closed.
11. Click on any of the column headings to sort your notifications by that column in ascending order.
12. Select a notification by clicking on a notification subject.
Notifications that you have previously viewed in the current session appear in different color text in the Subject field.
13. A new page appears that displays the details of the notification in an upper frame, and the response section of the notification in a lower frame. You can scroll through or resize either of these frames.
14. The Response section may look as follows:
- If a notification requires a response, but none of the responses affect the result of the notification activity, the response prompts all appear as fields and/or poplists. When you are done entering your response values, submit your response by choosing the Submit button.
- If a notification requires a response, and one of the responses becomes the result of the notification activity, then that determining response will appear as a set of buttons to choose from as shown in the figure above. The determining response also appears as the last prompt in the Response section. All other response prompts, if any, appear as fields or poplists above that prompt. When you choose a button for that last response prompt, you also submit your response for the notification.
- If a notification does not require a response, choose Close in the Response section to close the notification so that it does not appear in your notification summary list the next time you query for open notifications.
Note: You can click on any response prompt to link to a page that displays more information about the response attribute.
15. If you revisit a notification that you just Responded to or Closed in the same session, the Response section shows the past response if one was required.
See Also
To Reassign a Notification to Another User