Modelling Career and Succession Planning Based on Jobs
If your enterprise's career and succession planning is based upon jobs, you can use career paths to show possible progressions to one job from any number of other jobs.
Career paths are based on the structures of your enterprise rather than the people you employ. You may also want to record personal aspirations and progression paths for individual employees. There are several ways to do this.
Work Choices
You can use work choices to help identify a person's career plan. Work choices indicate a person's preference and capacity for work within the enterprise. The information you enter indicates availability for transfer, for working in other locations, and acceptable work day patterns. You can hold similar deployment information as requirements against jobs.
Appraisals on the Web
If you are using the Web-based Line Manager Direct Access, you can select a career path for a person as part of the appraisal process. When you create the appraisal questionnaire, you create a list of values that contains the alternative career paths that can be selected for a person during an appraisal.
Special Information or Attachments
If you are not using Line Manager Direct Access, there are other ways to hold information about successor jobs against a person. For example:
- You can define a special information type to hold time intervals (such as immediate, three years, five years) and job names. You can also use the Job Requirements window to record people's names against each job for each time interval.
- An alternative approach is simply to record this information as text in comments or a word processed document attached to each employee's record.
To model career and succession planning based on jobs:
Once you have created your career paths, you can derive personal progression from the person's assignment to a job, and the job's place within career paths.
2. Optionally, enter work requirements against jobs and enter personal work choices for your employees.
3. Create your appraisal questionnaire and perform appraisals for employees (Line Manager Direct Access users only).
4. If you are not doing step 3, consider holding succession plan information against people as attachments or using a special information type.