Modelling Career and Succession Planning Based on Positions
If your enterprise's career and succession planning is based upon positions, you can create additional position hierarchies to show any type of progression. These might represent existing line management structures, or even cut across departmental or job-type boundaries.
Career paths are based on the structures of your enterprise rather than the people you employ. You may also want to record personal aspirations and progression paths for individual employees. There are several ways to do this.
Work Choices
You can use work choices to help identify a person's career plan. Work choices indicate a person's preference and capacity for work within the enterprise. The information you enter indicates availability for transfer, for working in other locations, and acceptable work day patterns. You can hold similar deployment information as requirements against positions.
Succession Planning on the Web
If you are using Line Manager Direct Access, you can use the Succession Planning option on the Web. You can select a person's next position(s), or view their current position and see who is to succeed to that position. See the online help for Line Manager Direct Access for further details.
Special Information or Attachments
If you are not using Line Manager Direct Access, there are other ways to hold information about successor positions against a person. For example:
- You can define a special information type to hold time intervals (such as immediate, three years, five years) and position names against an employee. You can also use the Position Requirements window to record people's names against each position for each time interval.
- An alternative approach is simply to record this information as text in comments or a word processed document attached to each employee's record.
To model career and succession planning based on positions:
Once you have created the hierarchies, you can derive personal progression from the person's assignment to a position, and the position's place within the hierarchies.
2. Optionally, enter work choices against positions and enter personal work choices for your employees.
3. If you use Line Manager Direct Access, use the Succession Planning option to record one or more next positions for each employee.
Note: This option does not require you to have set up career paths using position hierarchies.
4. If you are not doing step 3, consider holding succession plan information against people as attachments or using a special information type.