Creating and Viewing Trend Charts
You can chart quality results using Trend Charts. Trend charts show values collected for a particular collection element over a period of time.
You can select results based on any combination of collection elements in the collection plan. For example, you can chart oven temperatures for a burn-in chamber for a particular production line this week.
You can create Trend charts from "scratch" or you can create them by copying settings from another chart, descriptive statistic view, or custom report. Copying settings allows you to view the same subset of data in different ways. See: Copy Settings.
You can save your chart settings. You can re-create charts using these saved settings, and you can change these settings to create new charts.
After creating and viewing your chart, you can optionally export the raw data that the chart was based upon. Exported data can be further analyzed using a spreadsheet or statistical analysis software package.
To create trend charts using copied settings:
2. Enter missing information or change the copied information as required (See below).
You can change all copied settings except the collection plan.
To create trend charts:
1. Navigate to the Trend Chart window.
To save your chart parameters, you must enter a chart name.
3. Select the Collection Plan to chart.
If you are creating a chart, you can select any collection plan, even those that are no longer effective. If you are changing a chart, you cannot change the collection plan.
The text you enter here is displayed at the top of the chart.
The X-axis of the chart (the horizontal dimension) can be any collection plan element but is usually a collection element that represents time or groups of quality results collected consecutively over time. For example, you can view results by:
Occurrence: individual quality results or readings presented consecutively over time, from the oldest occurrence to the most recent occurrence
Collection number: a group of individual quality results or readings, grouped into a collection and identified by a collection number
Entry date: individual quality results or readings, grouped by the date in which they were entered
The Y-axis of the chart (the vertical dimension) represents the primary collection element that you want to analyze. Usually, this axis of the chart represents a variable collection element; for example, temperature or voltage.
If the X-axis represents a grouping (for example, Collection Number or Entry Date), you must select a grouping function for the Y-axis. For example, if the X-axis is Entry Date, you can select a function like Average to display average values for the collection element for each day. If you choose Occurrence for the X-axis, you cannot select a grouping function. See: Functional Grouping and Processing.
The text you enter here is displayed at the top of the chart, under the chart title.
To find and select quality results:
If you do not select which quality results to chart, all results associated with the collection plan are used.
To view charts:
- If you are using the Oracle Quality statistics engine, choose the View Chart button. If you are using the Statit statistics engine, choose the Statit button. See: QA:Statistics Engine.
To save chart settings:
- Choose the Save Settings button if you want to save the inquiry settings.
To export chart results:
- If you are using the Oracle Quality statistics engine, choose Export Results from the Special Menu. If you are using the Statit Statistics Engine, choose Export to Statit from the Special Menu. See: Exporting Quality Results.