Using the Quality Results ReportWriter
You can create custom quality results reports using the Quality Results ReportWriter. You can include quality results for some or all collection plan elements. Results can be sequenced in any order that you choose.
You can use functions -- sum, count, average, min, or max -- to specify how to group and process the quality results you include in your reports. The data type -- numeric, character, or date -- of the chosen collection plan element determines what function or functions can be applied.
Report output can be saved to a file or sent to a printer. You can also export the raw results data that your reports are based upon. You can save the settings of a report so that users throughout your organization can use it.
You can optionally create custom reports using settings copied from another chart, descriptive statistic view, or custom report. Copying saved settings allows you to view the same subset of data in different ways.
Item Category Reporting
You can choose to report quality results by item category when an Item collection element appears on a collection plan. Oracle Quality determines an item's category based on the default category set from QA:Quality Category Set profile option. See: Profile Options.
To create a customer report using copied settings:
3. Enter missing information or change the copied information as required (See below).
You can change all copied settings except the collection plan.
To create a quality results report:
1. Navigate to the Quality Results ReportWriter window.
To save your report and its parameters, you must enter a report name.
3. Select the Collection Plan.
The text you enter here is displayed on the report.
To specify and format results:
The sequence number determines the columnar order of the collection plan elements that appear on your report.
You can only total a reported column if it contains a numeric collection plan element.
5. Repeat Steps 2-4 for each collection element you wish to include on your report.
To find and select quality result:
If you do not select which quality results to report, all results associated with the collection plan are used.
To process the report:
- Choose the Submit Report button to launch a concurrent request to process the report. All quality results that meet the specified selection conditions are reported.
To save report settings:
- Choose the Save Settings button to save the report settings.
To export chart results:
- If you are using the Oracle Quality statistics engine, choose Export Results from the Special Menu. If you are using the Statit Statistics Engine, choose Export to Statit from the Special Menu. See: Exporting Quality Results.
See Also
Submitting a Request